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I got my first bird today!!!


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Thanks everyone! My digital camera was broken this week:ohmy: but I will get pics to you soon as I can. Have to use an old fashioned camera for now...He is beautiful and at least IN the cage, he seems to be warming up to me. Walks toward me, lets me pet his head, eats out of my hand, but I need to get his winds clipped or it will fly. I just got it from a local person from an ad. I don't know much about it really. Says a few words and REALLY loves peanuts! The owner said it prefers males, but we shall see...

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Thanks for the kind words everyone.:P I so badly want to take my bird out of the cage and pet it! It lets me pet through the bars, but I don't want to do that until I get it's wings clipped, and it a bit more used to me and our home. If I buy it the tree looking play stand, will it spend most of the time on it, or more try and wander around the house? Also, how many peanuts can it have a day, because Taco REALLY loves them, and I don't want to over do it.

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Hi Stacy! Congratulations on bringing Taco home with you. I can see you have a ton of questions about him! Have a look in the foods room and read the topic about the peanut debate. Some people don't give their birds peanuts at all. If you so chose to, I would give him only human grade UNSALTED peanuts. Not more than 2-3 a day because they are high in fat. You may want to read that topic though and consider it for yourself. Try offering bits of apple or carrots for treats, or even a few sunflower seeds. If your bird's wings are clipped, he should pretty much stay wherever you put him. Let us know whatever questions you have. I'm glad you are excited about your new friend!

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Thanks for the advice! I found myself at the pet store tonight buying healthy treats and some toys. Lots of fun, but pretty pricy. Met a local Bird Lady who talked to us 30 min or so telling us all sorts of things. She even offered to make us some free toys, she does all the time for her own. Will try to go very sparingly on the peanuts...although it is pretty funny how MUCH he loves them! I also bought the Parrot Book for Dummies...so I have lots of heavy reading to do... LoL:whistle:

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Welcome to the expensive world of parrots. I spend a fortune on my two. Far more than I do on myself at times. Great idea to make some of your own toys, Charlie loves scrunched up paper.Cracker just adores crawling under the news paper on the bottom of his cage. He makes a sort of tent and will sit in their for ages.I have lots of books on parrots. I find sometimes the advice is conflicting so I read and then make my own judgement.

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I make about 90% of Alex and Martini's toys. I have fun doing it and they enjoy "helping". Though I do buy parts online I also find all kinds of stuff just looking at stores. One of my favirot places here in the USA is the Dollar Store. They are always getting in new stuff and you just never know what you will find. Plus they keep stuff like the willow wreaths (to decorate yourself) and tisue paper in stock. Willow wreaths are just for chewing up, tisue paper is great for shredding! Oh and straws are great! love the straws! I will have to take a picture of the straw toy I make for Alex.


Here is a link to a great DIY bird toy site! They have tons of ideas even for making your own atom! :D



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congrats on your amazon... funny though how this is your prep bird for a grey... amazons are a lot feister than greys... particularly the males. do lots of reading and remember... you're just in the honeymoon stage now, his docility could change (and most definetly will as he reaches maturity).

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