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Hi. Has anyone any sugestions to help calm my crazy cockatiel down. At the moment he is asleep with his head under his wing looking like the sweetest bird ever. dont be deceived he is not. I have had him since he was about 6 weeks old and due to his breeder telling me he was weaned when he wasnt I finished weaning him. He was born Jan 07. He is a fantastic bird and can be so loving and affectionate. Problem is that does not last long. Last summer I got him and my grey an aviery to go out in.After about 4 days Cracker the cockatiel got zinc poison. I realised very quickly that he was ill and the vet started treatment imediately. After a week in the vets he came home to finish his recovery. weekley vet trips for a month and a fortune in vet fees he fully recovered. The wire on the aviery was replaced and Charlie my cag was also tested, thank goodness he was fine.The problem I have now is that Cracker is hyper active. If I let him fly round the living room he is in to every thing. I have bird proofed as much as I can but he always gets up to mischief. He is also very agressive. He will step up no problem but he will also attack my hands, flying from one to the other and biting and lunging. This bird believe it or not is also very attached to me and very inteligent. It is as if he is just so full of energy he cant contain himself. He will go in to his carrier easily, loves geting in the kitchen sink to be spreyed and talks a storm. When he was in the vets last summer they put a notice on his little incubator saying carefull very aggressive. I put that down to him having to be injected 3 times a day. He really was ill and lucky to survive.What I cant make out is why one second he is so loving and the next he just turns very nasty. I am carefull to scratch only his head so as not to induce any breeding response.I just feel he is very hyper active. Any sugestions.The weather will soon be getting cooler and he wont be spending as much time in the aviery.

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no. cracker is fully flighted I have never had him clipped. My vet insists on calling him crackers. He is just a hand full. Charlie the grey is no trouble and he is also fully flighted.Cracker is playing in the aviery at the moment till I go to work and have to bring him in.

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