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Where to get wood for toys??


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Hi all!

Not sure if this is the right spot for this or not so if it needs moved please do!


Can anyone please help me out? I remember buying white pine by the box for my girl Notsu yrs ago. Does anyone know where I can purchase premade sizes and dyed pieces of this wood for toy making? Or any kind of safe wood for making toys? I would prefer to get them from someone that makes them then from an pet store or one of the catalog bird suppliers, but will if I have no other option! Thank you!

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Actually our vet recommended to buy white pine from a lumber store or home improvement store, if you buy some "higher quality" interior trim white pine it shouldn't be treaded(make sure you ask though just to be 100% sure) and here it runs about $12 for a 1"x4"x10' piece, that's a lot of wood for our bids for $12. He suggested making some blocks and drilling small holes and filling them with peanut butter to allow the birds to tear the wood apart foraging for the food inside.


As for pre-cut and dyed I'm not sure. I personally wouldn't trust anything from a craft store just because I wouldn't know 100% what's in it. You may have to go through a bird supplier or on the net to get what you're really looking for. I'm sure if anyone else knows more information than I do(which I'm sure someone does :P ) they'll chime in. :)


Hope this helps!



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Thanks Patrick for the tip! Something else I can do to keep her busy. I never thought about that! I can just remember buying precut and dyed pieces from a lady that made them and then sold them over the net. Good prices and really good wood!

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Speaking of dyes, is it ok if I use food colouring to dye the wood myself? I'm thinking of the kind of liquid food colouring that comes in little glass bottles at the supermarts, and it's also available in powder form. Which is safer? All I know is that the red powder dye is cochineal, which I read somewhere is made from bugs (eew!)

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I dye Alex's toys myself. I use the food grade dye. I use both the liquid and gel. Though orange is a bit odd for some reason. I found using packets of kool-aid (flavored drink mix for kids) works well for dyeing as well! Once the pieces get to the color that I want I then bake them in the oven at 350 for about 10 minutes. It helps dry them out faster and sets the dye a bit better.

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Made these for Loki last night, he was so very curious about what I was doing.




This one was just a plastic chain with a tube over it, I sliced a few holes to allow the popsicle sticks though and attached it to his playstand. So far, he likes it.






And this, is the Orange ball of DOOOOM! Wiffle ball and some leather straps from a toy I dismantled. It was a bundle of leather wrapped in Sisal rope. He was playing with it in his cage for about 30 minutes earlier.




The tube one is something that I can repeatedly make, so it's all good :)

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Broomer ,

Those are great looking toys...I'm going to copy your design.

I buy wood blocks and toys from Naloni , all of their wood is safe for birds . They have a lot of items and I like their prices. They also have a good selection of toys already made , especially for Greys.

Also for dying wood , you can use blueberries, beets , and maybe some other foods that loose color after boiling.


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