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Brought my fids home tonight


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Our reunion had to be postponed a couple of days, but I got to bring Echo, my CAG, and Dammit (still thinking of a modified child friendly name lol), my Quaker Parrot, home tonight.


I was a little worried with the drive and then them having to adjust to new cages on top of everything else, but they seem to be adjusting well. My old cage was custom built furniture that I don't have room for in my new house. My ex built it for me to go on a specific wall in our old house, and we moved it to my grandmother's when the fids went to live with her.


No doubt Dammit remembered me. He snuggled right up to me instantly. I did receive several finger pinches through the evening from him as if he was scolding me for being away so long. Then he would bury his beak between my fingers so I could rub on it.


I only got one finger pinch from Echo. She seemed to warm up pretty quickly too. We got some scritching in and she picked my laugh back up right away. I was surprised at that.


Dammit was out while Echo was exploring her new cage and I was practicing his recall with him. When I started the cues to fly back to me, Echo got very excited and started going back and forth and making these little excited sounds and whistles. I believe she remembered me teaching her the recall.


So, all in all, other than my fingers being a little sore, the reunion went well. I'm really excited to have them back home. I'll post some pictures in the next couple of days.



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Congratulations of getting your fids back home, Stephanie! I was so impressed by your post to the "Children & Parrots" thread - it sounds like you are really doing a great job of achieving a balance between fids and kids. It is wonderful that you were able to re-home Echo and Damnit with your grandmother temporarily.


Reading the story of your last 4-5 years was eerie for me : I was in almost identical circumstances 13 years ago. I wish I had been as savvy then as you have been in finding a temporary home for the 11-year-old budgerigar who was my feathered companion back then (Sketch). He passed away six weeks after I brought my prematurely-born daughter home, and I have always wondered if the long hours required by her care (as well as being faced with a new entity in the house competing for my attention) might have contributed to his demise. I was crushed by his passing, no matter how much the vet tried to convince me he'd lived "a pretty good long life for a budgie". Good for you for getting everything in place for your birds, and kudos to your grandmother, too, for being a surrogate mom for so long!


I'll look forward to seeing pictures of your birds! And BTW: has Ike affected you much where you live?

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Oh yes, Ike hit us hard. We're on the north side of Houston so although it wasn't as bad for us as our neighbors to the south, we still have a lot of damage. We are still without electric and water. We're on a well system that requires electric to run the pumps. I finally packed up the kids and we came up to Shreveport today to stay with a friend for a few days. We were becoming quite the stinky, cranky bunch. My parents house and land is next door to mine so they are caring for the animals while we're gone.


Poor fids are having to adjust to a lot. They just came home Tuesday night and then the storm hit us early Saturday morning. In spite of it all, they are doing well. I'll just be glad to get into a solid routine with them. Everything has been out of whack for the last week.


I'll post some pics and an update after I've gotten back home and have power again.


Thanks for the kind words everyone!


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Oh my when it rains it pours. In your case literaly. You and your poor birds are just haveing a heck of a time. I wish you the best and I'll keep you in my prayers. hopefully soon you will get back on track and you and your fids can get on to a more stable lifesyle. May God bless you all

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Wow Stephanie, I'm glad you came thru Ike ok and that you soon have power but you really miss it when it is out, we take it for granted when we have it.


Poor birdies came home and then had to evacuate away from the storm but they will settle down and get back to normal soon, keep us posted.

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I'm so glad everyone made it out ok with Ike...he was a nasty storm. I'm not suprised that your birds all warmed back up to you with only a few finger pinches, they love you so they wouldn't hold a grudge for too long.:P


BYW, I love the name Dammit for a Quaker...very funny!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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