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Sorry I am a bad speller.


When Rexxy Does a bop bop instead ....he does this whole reguratating (throwin up) For me. He is only 4 mouths old. He has succeeded puking for me. It is soooo gross. How do they hold food in their crop for that long.


Can he really love me this much and this early in his life?


I dont feel that we bonded THIS much. We have fun but he has the same fun with my daughter. He even lets her pet her more than me.

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Yes, he can love you that much this soon! Greys are known to be one person birds, but many do love more then one person, like my CAG, she loves me and my B/F. You asked about the crop...basicly the crop is a muscular pouch that is a used to temporarily store food, so yes, food will be in there all the time.

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Anyone want to know what it tastes like? LOL


Phoenix was hanging out with my husband and he was giving her kisses and for some reason (we still don't know why) my husbands mouth was open when Phoenix decided to "share" some "yum yums" with him, LMAO! He was gagging and spitting, but it didn't do much good since it's like a paste. We were rolling on the floor laughing at him.


The main question people ask. What did it taste like?

Answer: Tuna.



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Eeeeewwwww that reminds me of my last budgie who was totally indiscriminate about where he gurged...it would be half-chewed seed spraying all over the place and paste on the perch, on his food bowls, on his toys, on my fingers...scared me to death the first time he did it, he spat it out so hard I thought he was projectile vomiting!

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2Skittles4u wrote:

Anyone want to know what it tastes like? LOL


Phoenix was hanging out with my husband and he was giving her kisses and for some reason (we still don't know why) my husbands mouth was open when Phoenix decided to "share" some "yum yums" with him, LMAO! He was gagging and spitting, but it didn't do much good since it's like a paste. We were rolling on the floor laughing at him.


The main question people ask. What did it taste like?

Answer: Tuna.





:sick: Thats gross but so funny :laugh:

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