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New member from Canada


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Hello I just wanted to introduce myself.I hope this is the right place.


Im Brittney from Alberta Im 19 years old.

I joined various forums looking for information and been doing alot of research so im ready to adopt an African grey.

I have been visiting lots of rescues working with the birds and I love it.

I have never owned a large parrot just a cockateil.I dont go to school or plan to soon and I dont have a job but in the process of finding one.

Your probably thinking how I can afford all of these animals.

I will with my parent and step father and they have been really supportive and my dad sends me money weekly.

Nice to mee you

I currently have a big zoo

3 bearded dragons

2 crested geckos

1 leopard gecko

2 sugargliders

2 dogs and 2 cats

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Hi. Well it sounds like you certainly have a zoo, and I thought I had the zoo, wow! Well, It sounds like you really love animals, and that your really doing your homework with getting info and spending time with other birds. That is great! Do you live with your parents? Are they going to help with the care and socialization of the parrot? I'm very lucky that my family (husband, and daughter) spend time with our animals when I'm at work. or visa-versa, that way noone gets lonely. Good luck on finding the right parrot for you.

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Ptsnherps, welcome here - I hope you will enjoy it and find all the information you need in order to feel confident enough to get yourself a grey :)

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