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My first time posting. I know, most creative thread title ever. :P

But seriously, I have an African Grey named Baka Grey and I think he has a problem. First of all, he keeps doing this hiccup like move every day. It's not that it annoys me, just that he's very skinny and that he shakes a lot (most likely due to lack of vitamin in take), so I'm afraid he might be sick. Oh, and for clarification on what I mean on the "hiccup", I'm saying he seizes movement for a second and takes some kind of breath in, than lets go.


How would I get him tested out? Take him to his casual vet and ask him to test my Grey? I'm not sure I want to take him to the vet more than I have to and stress him out, but if it's inevitable then...

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It sounds like something is wrong with Baka, you need to take him to an Avain Vet. Dog and cat vets don't know what they are doing so you need a vet that is experiencd with parrots. You will want to get a blood test done, a gram stain, and a crop swab. What area are you from...maybe there is a member here that lives close and can recomend a good vet. How long have you had Baka?

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Me too please take him he sounds very sick. make sure you keep him warm in the meantime put a light over his cage and cover three sides to keep the warmth in he should be kept at about 80 degree when he's sick so that he doesn''t have to work at staying warm and can cocentrate on getting better but do make an appointment as soon as possible. Like Yesterday.

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