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Mistreated grey


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My grey charlie is a real challenge to me, ive only had him a month but as time goes on he still is resisting me from time to time, as the days go on his background was worrying me, so last night i decided to ring the man i bought him from just to ask some more questions.


I started by asking him why he didn't like his ex girlfriend? because when i went to get him, he told me he didn't like her but wouldn't say why, but it has been haunting me ever since, his reply was that on occassion she would bang the cage because he was making too much noise! Isn't that what they do! I was quite taken aback by this, so now i no he doesn't trust females at all, he associates females as a threat, apparently after that he wouldn't come out of his cage for two weeks, not even for the love of his orignal owner.


Then he would only come out if she wasn't around and would go straight back in on her return. This behaviour to a defenceliss animal appauls me, not only do i have to gain his trust, i have to show him that not all females are bad. I do think that if she banged the cage at him when he made noises and his owner was there, what did she do to him when no one else was around, but there is one thing for sure the best thing he has ever done for this bird was to sell him.


He will never be mistreated again, i don't care how long it takes me i will win him over and i will love him forever.

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Good for you taking him in. I hate it when animals are mistreated. Hopefully in your care he will blossom and be all that he can be:) How old is Charlier now? I'd love to hear more about him and some photos when you get the chance. I've only been on this forum for a couple months but have found there are so many knowledgable members here and everyone is always here to help with any questions you may have. Wecome Julie & Charlie:)

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Julie, you do have quite the challenge but I believe you are up to the task and my how sweet it will be when that day comes that Charlie accepts you. You have certainly saved his life, how stuped can some people be.


He is very lucky indeed to have found you and I think he will come around one day, you just have to be very patient and let him come around on his own terms and in his own time.

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Thanks for rescueing a mistreated Grey Julie!!


He will soon learned that not ALL females are evil. They are very intelligent and know when someone is "Ok" after they observe there actions for a while and slowly start in interact more closely with them.


As others have said, time and patience is required, but you seem to be applying that and are committed to it.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Ive had a great break through tonight! Charlie has been in a great mood all day, so i decided to open the cage and play on the floor, he was watching my every move but didn't venture out, so i just left him and went about my housework, then he decided he wanted a bath, so i new he was coming round because that's the first one he's had since ive had him, so i decided to open the cage again, he came right out and flew onto the floor so i decided to play with him and he played right back and he even stepped up onto my hand which i am really excited about, i can't stop smiling, what ever i am doing is working which is really great but i couldn't have done it without everyone's kind words and helpful advice. thank you all, hope to put some pictures up soon.

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Julie, I am so pleased for you. I can tell in your post how happy you are.

Its great that he has come out of his cage, never mind play with you as well!Also the step up is a really good thing as he is getting used to you touching him and may need to be used in case of an emergency.

Keep up the good work, you are doing great with Charlie.


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