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Weird ? reaction to flute music


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My husband turned on some flute music for the birds today and Baxter had a weird reaction and I don't know if it's good or bad. He shakes his head almost like it's bothering him but the music isn't loud at all. It's very soft and the volume isn't up loud at all. He is also moving his beak like he is trying to word something like when he is practicing talking. His beak opens real wide but nothing comes out. It would be nice if he could mimic the flute:) but with the head shaking I am wondering if he is senstive to the sound??? Is it bothering him??? Is this normal?? He also does this when my husband plays the sax at home. He will shake his head like he is trying to get something off:huh: Should I keep playing the music for him or should I stop?.

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He likes to listen to music, country, classic rock, Josh Groban, easy listening stuff. We play music for him alot. I have just noticed this with instrumental sounds. The flute playing and the saxophone. The saxophone is kind of loud when my husband plays (but he plays in a different room) so I thought it might have been a high pitched tone that he didn't like but the flute music we played off the computer and it was low and mellow (very pretty sound) I whistle the Andy Griffith tune to him all the time and he will bob his head and rock back and forth. I can tell he likes that. This is totally different and this is the only time I've seen him do this head shake. You know like when a fly will land your cheek or something and you shake or twitch your head to get it off, that's the best way I know how to describe it. It's only with the sax and the flute so far but that's the only instrument sounds he has heard solo. He has not done this any other time or with any other sounds and that's why I'm confused on it. Then he does his beak movments like he wants to mimick it. I'm confused:huh: If he likes it I want to play it for him. It sounds so soothing but if he doesn't then I am even wondering about my husbands saxophone???? He shakes his head, then he is still for a minute or so but will shake his head again.

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Thanks everyone for the input. I just wasn't sure why he was doing that. I thought he would love all music. I know I see those videos where the music is cranked up real high and the birds are just dancing away and loving it.


I mean, my conure can almost bust an ear drum when he decides he wants to be heard and Baxter doesn't even seem to notice that;)

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I think Kaedyn's theory sounds good on this one. They also do that wide-beak "yawn" apparently when they feel like there's a small feather or something in their ear - I think of it as equivalent to us yawning to try to equalize the pressure in our ears while changing altitude in an airplane or something. I'm betting the flute and the sax just happen to hit whatever vibration makes Baxter's ears feel funny.


Maxi's "relaxation" music at night is usually flute music, and I haven't observed any head shaking, but I do notice her yawning, come to think of it. Now I'm going to be paying closer attention - wonder if she's having a similar reaction....?

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