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A bird that doesn't like nuts?


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I always thought that all birds liked nuts. I have tried several different kinds as a special treat but she won't eat them. She will tear a peanut open but doesn't eat it.


She also isn't interested in sunflower seeds. I wouldn't give them as large part of the diet but thought for a treat or training reward. Has anyone else expererienced this?

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Tobie is the same way. I have tried sunflower seeds, barley, oats, peanuts. I've had a hard time finding a treat to reward with. He loves cheeze but I hear that's not good for him. Any one know what works best. Also, If I'm trick training and give him a barley seed (he likes these best), he has to chew so long that I loose interest in doing the next trick before he finally eats the seed. After about the 4th or 5th seed he just starts dropping them.

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I've yet to find any kind of treat that Baxter really likes to eat and get excited for. He likes treats but won't go out of his way and work for one:P The only thing I really seen him get excited about was coconut marange (didn't spell that right) pie. But it was very messy and gooey & I doubt that it was good for him anyway:woohoo: He does like to eat nuts though. My other birds seem to love any kind of noodles though and will travel all over their cage to get at it. Baxter can take them or leave them of course. :side:

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It's a good thing when a parrot isn't into sunflower seeds and nuts. They are high in fat and greys are junk food junkies and get hooked pretty quick. Elmo likes pistachios, almonds, and sunflower seeds. I give him a couple nuts a day with his food and only give sunflower seeds when trick training. He is the same way with peanuts though...just likes to break them open and then drops them.


When it comes to treats, anything given in moderation is fine. My Sun was WILD for yellow squash and ice tea. I used the tea sometimes when trick training him...boy did he like tea!

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dont know if this will help you but ive noticed with mine that he likes things in phases last year it was walnuts he loved them this year hes like thats so last year and drops them now it almonds.


Maybe he'll warm up to them and you can feed them as treats or an easy way to add weight if they are underweight

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Try all the different nuts, Pinenuts (shelled and roasted whole in the shell), walnuts, almonds, chestnuts (Shelled) almonds in the shell,pistachios (non-salted) etc.


His tastes for foods will change as he grows older. Always keep offering different and the same foods over and over. Sometimes they will eat them, sometimes they won't. :-)

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Yes it is! Alex wouldn't touch grapes for the longest time. Now he eats them first. I have yet to find something that he will do anything for (except cheese). I have worked on several things with him and just give lots of praze. I get really excited and tell him "Yay good bird!" He even gets kisses when he has done what I want. So far so good.

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Have you tryed brazil nuts. Tycos not a huge lover of many kinds of nut she likes walnut & wet peanuts. But her altime favorite is a precracked brazil nut she loves them she throw allot of things on the floor but not a brazil nut even if she only eats half of it she will carefully put it back in her dish so she can save it for later something She doesn't do with very many things.

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