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Introducing myself. I'm Ryann Form New York

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Hello Ryann and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your greys.


So are these greys pets also and have they raised baby greys before? This is exciting to hear about for not that many of our members have breeding greys.


You probably already know all about greys but we do have a lot of information in our many threads and some funny stories that will keep you entertained for many hours. Please ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Would you like to share some pictures of these greys with us for we would love to see them.:)

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I actually know nothing. LOl

I have spent hours reading and reading. These were never pets. They are 8 and have only been a breeding pair... they don't talk.. But never the less I have fastly fallen for them! They have had many clutches but not for me. I have only owned them for LOL... 3 days.... I was actually lookng for advise. Im embarassed to say that I am wondering why aren't they breeding... LOL Its been 3 DAYS.... I guess Im just anxious. I saw in another forum that lovemygreys said the conditions had to be right... I was wondering what this means. A HUGE thanks to everyone who has welcomed me here... I have no doubt that this sight will grow into something huge! I know I'll be here alot!

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I don't know much about breeding greys but people who do breed them say that conditions have to be right and that usually greys that are pets don't breed and vice versa. They do need privacy, like us they don't want an audience when they are doing that.


You may have to decide whether you want to make pets out of them or continue to use them for breeding, but I would keep them as breeders and keep one of their babies as a pet.


Then by all means read thru as much as you can here on our site, we do have lots of information and we have some members who have extensive knowledge about greys as pets and breeding them.

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Welcome Ryann!!


Well, you have certainly jumped in with both feet from no parrot to a breeding pair. There is tons of things you will need to know about breeding, what to do when eggs are laid, what to look for, when to take the chicks away from the parents and how to feed.


You will not need to worry about them breeding right away. They are in a strange place without the proper conditions to breed, which you will need to learn if you wish to use them as breeders.


Just curious, what made you decide to purchase a breeding pair of greys with no previous experience or research?


Looking forward to hearing more. :-)

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To answer your question DANMCQ, I owned an African grey for a few years a while back....My living conditions didn't allow for her anymore. Her name was Zori. Such a love she was. Anywho, it's not like I woke one morn and said let me but two parrtos and mate them. An Uncle of mine only bred parrots and did so for over 40 years... My cousins still have three of his "pet" birds and they are 33, 28 and 38 years old. As far as research. I've done tons and TONS.... I'm new to this forum but not new to reading, talking, speaking to other breeders including the previous owner of this pair, speaking to my vet and another in downtown nyc. I have for as long as I ca remember facinated with parrots. The amazon has always been my favorite. When I stated I know nothing I truly meant nothing about this specific pair. I know when chicks are removed from the parents. It really the individual breeders prefferance. Any where from 2-8 weeks. As I unerstand it, the longer the better. also, as I understand, NEVER take the eggs away unless of course it unfertile and even then you let the hen sit for a while. And of course if there is danger to the egg. I do not plan on using a brooder as mother nature knows best. I have learned tons and have tons more to learn I'm ready. Thanks

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Hello Ryann and welcome here. It will take a while for your greys to settle down and feel at home. I wouldn't expect to even see them mating for a few months. It sounds like you are excited about them and about the prospects of breeding.

I would recommend the book "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker to you. It is by far one of the best I've read about understanding and relating to African Greys. They are certainly wonderful birds and I wish you the best of luck in your new endeavor.

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