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I am curious to hear some other people's experiences with murmuring in their greys. Maxi has a few words which she occasionally says quite clearly (Step up, I Love You, Peekaboo, Hello...) in addition to all the attendant kissy noises, water dripping, whistles, wild bird calls, squeaking garage doors, etc. Just in the last week, though, she has suddenly started a phase of doing a LOT of murmuring - long phrases and chains which sound very much like they are trying to be human speech. I mean twenty to thirty syllables at a time, with LOTS of inflections. I can't isolate words from it yet, and there's so much of it that I can't even tell yet if she is repeating anything. I'd love to hear some thoughts on this, and suggestions for helping her articulate better. Any ideas?

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She's probably just working out some new phrases she picked up. I have a 14 month old which does the same. He has several words which are clear as a bell, but then a few others that you just can't quite make out.


Even though they might be able to say certain words really well, there are always other phonics which they just haven't quite worked out yet. I've noticed that some greys seem to be very shy and secretive when it comes to speech. They'll work on their vocabulary in private, for hours a day, and then surprise you with a new word. I have a camera on mine during the day and I've heard him working on his speech for hours at a time when he doesn't think anyone is listening.


So, really, you don't have to do anything other than talk to your bird. When she says something clearly, let her know that you understand what she's saying while giving her praise and attention. That will encourage her to do even better.

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Thanks, Suzzi & Jim. I also heard the practice-murmur from her while she was learning to say the few things she says clearly now, and as you've suggested, I just talked with her and showed my excitement when she really made progress on clarity. I've just been struck by the sheer length of what she's trying on at the moment. Previously I'd hear the two syllables of "hello" or the thre of "i love you", so I could really see what was coming. Lately it sounds like she's trying to recite a whole sonnet or speak back a whole conversation. I'll keep you posted!

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Zahzu has started doing the same thing!

She was sitting on my lap eating pasta and veges (throwing what she didn't like onto the floor), and then she walks to the edge of my lap, looks around on the floor and whispers "what a mess"!



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