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A friend for our Grey


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I am new to the board. I need advice about a companion for our grey Spike. Hes a happy bird and loves people and other animals. Id love to find a female grey but any bird social bird would be great! He drives the cats nuts trying to play with them. We had a baby chick inside for awhile caring for it and he was thrilled! Id appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!

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WhiteCrow -


The problem with finding your grey a companion is that he could end up loving the companion, than not have much to do with you. Thats why you see breeder pairs not good pet birds because they are used to being with another bird. I am almost positive it wouldnt be a good idea but ask around. So if you dont want a close relationship with him than get him another bird, but who knows, he might not even like him and other things could occur. Sorry!

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I will also add, I bought a Sun conure about 2 weeks ago. My Timneh is an unhandled bird and since I have had my conure, My Timneh has came out of his shell and loves to try to talk and whistle and play alot. I didnt get the Grey a friend, but I bought the conure, waited 2 weeks and than put them in the same room, not same cage, same room. But my point is I doubt the grey will ever play with the conure, actually I read somewhere that greys do not like other birds but if u buy another grey Im sure he might get attached to it and get less attached to you. In my case, It helped me bc my bird was unhandled and he saw the interaction between me and my conure. Good Luck...Keep me posted!

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Guest Monique

What Ryan13 says is correct. You don't really want to get a "playmate" for your Grey like you could a cat for a cat ... or a dog for a dog. You can get another bird that stays in a different cage, not right by your current Grey ... or a different species. If I ever get another different species I will probably get a male Eclectus or an Amazon. But Amazons boldness intimidates me so I'd have to gain some points in that area to do so :).


Also, if your intent is to breed and you don't care about tameness, you also need to be aware that Greys are selective and monogomous. They do not just automatically "bond" with another bird of the opposite sex. It is a crap shoot. I don't think this is at all what you're looking for based upon your post!!!! But I thought it might be good info to throw out there anyway ... just in case ;) .

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