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*twitches* .....


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38 hours to go ...


2,280 minutes to go ...


136,800 seconds to go ...







136,790 GAH! ... time is slowing down!






Just got his cage fully prepared for him to come home, though might have to lower some perches depending on how he's been sleeping lately.


Take a looksie:









They're kinda big, hence the links instead lol.

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Thats wonderful you better find somthing to make the time fly past or its going to seem like time stopped.:laugh: I know how excited you must be I was the same way when I got my Baby Irn and my GCC I really think thats part of the fun. When your baby gets home your going to feel like a brand new mommy worried weather or not your doing everything right. I know when I brought Sprout home I toilet trained him right away. Because I was so worried about him mabie getting sick from any poop in his cage. I must have change his paper about 20 times in the first couple of day's and his water at least 5 time a day:laugh: I was a very over protective mom I made everyone wash all the way up to their elbows before they could even go near him. Silly eh:laugh:

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That's not that sily at all. I still make visitors wash their hands before handling any of my fids. Especially if they are smokers.


Broomer: The hardest part for me would be trying to get any sleep at all the night before. The excitement keeps my brain active and I stay wide awake almost the entire night. And of course all I want to do the whole time is fall asleep, so tomorrow would get here fast.

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Well done on the batteries;) Lets get the priorities right!:laugh:


You're lucky so, I'm with Kaedyn on the not being able to sleep when I'm excited. Always makes for a very miserable Christmas because I'm always so tired:P . I still get excited at Christmas:laugh:

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Hehe, well, we'll see tonight I'm sure hehe.


Could just be wishful thinking.


It'll be interesting at work today, thankfuly I'm working with a few people I really enjoy working with, or I'd be miserable.


Just hoping my Boss doesn't give me the "I don't care what you need, you have to be here Wednesday" speech. We have our initial vet visit Wed. He'll be in for a shock when I tell him off lol. I think I might be a bit on edge today ... lol


My boss is the jerk of all bosses.

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Broomer: Just a word of caution. I have that same wooden branch and it's a might bit slippery. Loki being so young, probably won't get much grip on it. If you find that to be the case yourself, you could always try wrapping some vet-wrap around it.


I also have the exact same rope and concrete perch. Those are great! The concrete perches from Polly's keep their nails trimmed, yet don't seem to irritate their feet.

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Kaedyn wrote:

Broomer: Just a word of caution. I have that same wooden branch and it's a might bit slippery. Loki being so young, probably won't get much grip on it. If you find that to be the case yourself, you could always try wrapping some vet-wrap around it.


hmmmm, out of Vet-wrap at the moment. There is a Tack shop on our way to the breeder, but I doubt Kim will willingly stop before seeing Loki lol. Also, been wondering if vet-wrap is ok in the cage for when he's not being supervised, since I've heard that some birdies chew it like gum lol.


I could always break out the Drummel tool tomorrow and cut some grooves or something into it, but don't want to be using that near Loki ... hmm scratch that.


Or sandpaper .... hmmm hehe.


Yeah once I cleaned the perch yesterday, it went from fine, to slippery, was wondering about it.

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Heh, slept like a baby ... for about 6 hours, which is actually my norm lol. Tonight will probably be a tad different though lol :silly:


Until we see Loki:


1.5 hours ...


90 minutes to go ...


5,400 seconds ....



5,398 ...


ok ok I'll stop hehe. :lol: :silly:

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And he's home and asleep at last!


All day all he wanted to do was climb climb climb. Normaly onto Kim or my shoulder or head :blink:. He was chirping and grunting away all day, while exploring the livingroom and sleeping on Kim (then pooping down her shirt when they both woke up :lol: :laugh: :silly:).


Check out the new Video on my Youtube account. The link is in my signature :lol: :silly:.


Thanks everyone for thier anticipation and support.


The only thing that has me so far is being able to tell if his crop is full during his feedings hehe, he hides it well with all those feathers.


Breeder said that he's been refusing a lot of food recently, but because of the big move, that we should keep it up to 3 feedings a day for a few days.

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Congrated om your new baby fid, I love the vidio in your signature he's so sweet I bet your on cloud 9. bet tonight you won't sleep I know I always ahave trouble sleeping the first few nights their home because I worry they might hurt themselves in their new enviroment because their not used to it. I lay their for hours listening to nothing all night.

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