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Christmas Presents for Greys?


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Every year at Christmas when I go shopping all my pets are on my list and they get gifts too:P I was just wondering if other people do this too and curious as to what gifts everyone is going to get their Greys for Christmas this year? I want to get Baxter a big boing or coil rope real bad but for one I don't know where I'd put it and 2 I don't know if he's ready. Maybe I can get some other ideas from you what you are going to get yours. {Feel-good-000200B9}

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We get all our pets gifts for Xmas and their B-Days.


It normally consists of treats and toys. We let Dayo shred the wrapper. I think he enjoys that more than the toy most the time. :-)


I'm trying to convince my wife that we should buy Dayo a 2009 Camaro SS this year for Xmas. ;-)

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Erika you could put one of those big boings in Baxter's cage, I have one hanging in the highest part of Josey's cage and it might be time to get another one as she uses it a lot.


I get my pets Christmas presents too, as we think of them as part of our family so therefore they deserve gifts too. I've not decided what those presents are going to be this year, hmmmmm, have to think on that on a bit.:whistle: :P :cheer:

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Of course they get Christmas gift my dogs start snopping for theirs as soon as there are gifts under the tree. They can usually smell theirs becaus it usually full of dog goodys and toys. They love Christmas as much as anybody My birds usually get toys and treats as well. This years going to be a tough one. What do you buy birds that have everything they could possibly need or want. They are so spoilt. I spend so much money on them the little brats. Gotta love em:laugh: I edited this post because their is something I would like to get them espeicaly for Tyco and that an Adventue pack travel cage. I don't know if she will ever harrness train but in the mean time I'd love to be able to take her out in somthing I can easily pack around.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/09/07 19:05

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Alex and Martini will get toys and treats. :D The cats get really big pom pom balls. They love them! I don't get the dog anything because she doesn't like treats of any kind. Same for toys. She has a teddy bear that lives in the bedroom. I know she loves it because it moves around the bed. But you NEVER see her playing with it. We got her from the pound about 4 years ago. We are sure she was abused and she gets seperation angzity when we leave. So she just gets lots of love from us.

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Hey Erika, thats what I was going to get Mika a big boing, I had seen that hangs down from the ceiling, when I discussed this with Hubbie he through a fit about a hook in the ceiling blah blah blah.

So why wait for Christmas went and bought one yesterday and put it up IN the ceiling before he got home today.:evil:

Well you can guess it is pretty cool in our house this evening, but the most important think is MIKA LOVES IT.:woohoo:



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Gee Carolyn, your hubby sounds like my hubby:) . I was going to put hooks up in our walkway from the living room and dining room for a swing. He was like "I'm not going to have hooks hanging all over this house for no birds, blah blah blah" I haven't done it yet only because I don't think Baxter is ready. I mean how hard is it to put a little spackle in the hole if you don't want to use it anymore????


I don't think there is a enough room in the cage for a boing without crowding it, but I may be wrong. I want to hang it in the ceiling above his cage but I have to think it through more. I'm sure he will have though. I think I need to get it and figure out where it goes later:woohoo:

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I always get my pets presents for Christmas. Our cats can always pick theirs out even if there is not food in them, some times I really wonder how they know some of them are for them (I understand if i is catnip toys or cat treats and such).


I was thinking of making a HUGE PVC jungle gym for them (the Greys and conures), I am sure there will be lots of new toys involved. I just got them a HUGE play stand.



I wrapped the main wood perch part with Sisal twine for better grip though.<br><br>Post edited by: Sallas, at: 2008/09/08 19:26


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Carolyn, here's a motto I live by. "Tis better to ask for forgivness than permission":laugh: Dorian may be getting a new cage for Xmas. I have a chance at getting a real good deal on a new cage later this month, but I'll have to hide it until December and make believe I bought it with Christmas money. Or maybe hide it at my friend's pet store. Depends how big the box is when I see it.

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Mine get gifts for x-mas too- but not just for x-mas. Whenever I feel like they are getting bored with what they've got, it's time for more toys.

My TAG loves his boing- it was a great investment. I would get one for your bird while it is young so he can get used to it.

Luckily my boyfriend helped me hang hooks up for my birds boing and swing. He got tired of hearing me ask for it.... Lyric loves to fly so he needed new places to fly to in the house. Those things are up out of the reach of the dogs too so it's safer for the bird to play. For this Christmas.... I'd like a new treestand or an Atom for Lyric, but if money is tight he may have to settle for a new toy...we'll see!

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