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We had a Conversation!


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Greetings everyone! Now I know this isn't much, but still - I'm just delighted beyond belief - Bella and I had a real (well, kinda) conversation! {Feel-good-000200BB}


Bella joins me in the evenings to do meditation practices, as do Doc and Dream my two greyhounds. Jiggy, the conure is the only one who stays behind becasue he's too restless to meditate around!

Bella sits on her perch next to me, and usually cleans herself, or plays with something.


Today, as we were doing our evening routine, Doc and Bella join me, but Dream was missing. After I sat down and started getting comfortable, Bella says to me "where's Deem" - she meant "Dream" - Bella has problems saying "r's"- Baby talk :laugh: .


So, I say to Bella, "I don't know, what do you think, do you think Dream is outside"? Bella looks at me, cocks her head looks at the door and says "woof woof woof" - Dream always runs outside barking and Bella usually barks right with her :laugh:


I was so pumped! She knew exactly what we were talking about! This is so cools!! We had our first two way conversation (that I understood that is :laugh: )


I know - it's not that big of a deal - but if anyone can understand how exciting this can be - it's this grey loving community!!!




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OMG!! I think that's huge!!! I remember the first time I had a talking session with Baxter and I wanted to shout it from the roof tops and it wasn't even a 2 way conversation. I think they understand a lot more than we realize. Thanks for sharing that. I thought it was great and it even made me laugh while I was reading it. :laugh:

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That is wonderful and an event to be remembered and shared. Only Grey or other Parrot owners actually know and understand that they truly are cognizant of what they are saying and why. It is we that must pay close attention to the moment and acknowledge that we understood.


Congratulations Nyscha! :-)


The outside world, ignorantly just sluffs such things off as coincidence, but we know it is not. :-)

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Thanks everyone :) I was really so moved - I mean I know she's connecting with me more than I know - but to actually have an exchange with her is like a dream (or deem in Bella's case :laugh: ) come true!


I can't tell you how many times I've looked at my greyhounds, particularly if they're not feeling well, and I've thought if only they could talk to me, I could help them better. I've gotten so used to reading body language and interpreting it. To have a companion animal actually tell me what's on her mind is just breath taking. I know one of Bella's biggest issues is where her flock is at all times. She seems to pay close attention to that, and it's very interesting she really thinks of the greyhounds as part of flock :P


I'm heading to DC tomorrow and Bella and Jiggy are staying with a friend from the local Bird Club for a week. She has a grey male named Digger - he's 5 years old and chatters away, she also has a McCaw (not sure what kind - sounds like a severe McCaw from the size), two amazons and a green cheeked conure. I can't wait to see what Bella and Jiggy have to say to that! Digger, from what I understand has a large vocabularly, so Bella may come home with all kinds of new words!


Thanks again for listening - I almost cried it was just such an amazing experience!




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lOL I just tried to get her to say "Dream" , so I point to Dream and I say "DREAM" drawing it out really long and annunciating it carefully.


She answers back "DEEEEEEEEM" in perfect tone as mine but sans the "r" {Feel-good-0002006E}


Oh well - Deem it is!

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