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purchased a baby today YEA!!


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Hi everyone!!


When I introduced myself I was in the mix of adopting a older grey and I had my hopes up on 2 different ones well both fell thru Charlies owner decided not to give him up and Rubys foster parents bonded and wanted to keep her, its wonderful they both have homes that love them. So I went on the search for a breeder, I found one about 1 1/2 hours away and we spoke and I went to meet 3 babies today!!

I have purchased a little boy and he will come home on Oct 1. I have never been so impressed with the quality of this breeder and the things she has already trained them to do. The step up perfect. they have had showers and towels, they have had flight lessons in her VERY large avairy and are landing well already, and she will train him for a harness before he comes home. These babys get 4 full weeks with their moms and I think this is really a good thing for their confidence then they come into her home and have had lots of experiences already dogs, vaccuumes ect.

Anyways there was this one little boy who let me touch him everywhere (they all did) but this one was special I knew imediantly he was mine !! he came under my chin and rubbed his head all over my neck and ear over and over I was HOOKED!! I am inlove :kiss: and very excited.

I forgot my camera but she will send me pics tomarrow and have to find a name he is being called Zero right now lol. Would like a irish or gealic name for a male

Thanks all I love love love this site !!

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Well I guess congrats is in order for you on finding a baby grey, those others fell thru for a reason, this little boy was waiting just for you. I know October 1 won't come soon enough either.


You do sound very excited as you should be and you speak highly of the breeder you are getting this grey from, would be nice if all breeders were this good.


A lot of times the bird picks you and not vice versa and I believe he was meant to be your baby, he and you both knew it at the same time, fate if you want to call it that.


Too bad you forgot your camera but if you do get some pics from the breeder we want to see him so please share some with us.


We share your sentiments about the site also.;)

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Congratulations cflanny!!


It's good to hear both those possible adoptions turned out for the better by the owners deciding to keep and love them. :-)


That breeder sounds wonderful and it certainly sounds like you will be getting a healthy and well reared Grey on Oct 1st. Thats not too far off and gives you time to by the Cage, playstand etc. and get them all set up before he/she comes home. :-)

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Congratulations on your new baby! October will fly round and you will have your baby home.


I can certainly help you with the names as I am an Irish speaker. I have called my grey Liath (leah) which is the Irish word for grey.


Some other suggestions are

Rógaire (ruggareh) which means rascal

Rí (ree) which means king

Fiáin (feeawn) which means wild

Maorga (mwearga) which means majestic


Actual boys names which might be used for a grey are :


Coilin - (colin) - Little chieftain

Aedan - (Aydan) - born of fire

Oisin - (Usheen) son of Fionn MacCumhall

Ruaraidh - (Rooree) red king

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