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For those who have rescued a Grey


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Thanks loads. It says a lot. I hope that it'll give people inspiration and a better understanding of how habits can develop and how they can possibly be lessened. So many rescued birds have a huge amount of minor problems which can be simply helped by proper attention.

An official thumbs up to you brother.

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The video almost brought tears to my eyes and I definately had a lump in my throat watching it. I did take in a negected grey but nothing compared to Erogon in the video. Each little step we take seems like huge miles stones and I guess they are. This has been the most rewarding thing I have done in a long time (if ever)


I think older unwanted birds get a bad wrap of having extra baggage and thought of as a big challenge so people turn them away out of fear but to me there is nothing more rewarding than seeing a neglected bird pick up a toy for the first time and finally able to have a little fun in it's life or seeing it relaxed and know it finally feels safe and secure. This video is what it's all about:) I just love happy endings! Thanks for sharing it.

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Thank you so much Dan for sharing that video.


I totally agree with Erika, older birds get a bad wrap, but with the right care they are one of the most rewarding things in life.


A big THANK YOU to everyone that takes in an unwanted bird, and one day I hope to do the same.

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BaxtersMom wrote:

Each little step we take seems like huge miles stones and I guess they are. This has been the most rewarding thing I have done in a long time (if ever)


Erika - They are indeed huge milestones for Baxter and rewards to you for your hard work, patience, money and love invested in him. It takes a special person to be a rescuer, and your definitely a special person!


My hat is off to you.

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Thanks for the compliments. I wasn't fishing for those though. I am hoping that video will make people consider rescueing a neglected or abused grey or other species. The rewards are out of this world! I don't know if it's a grey thing or what but I think I am happier now than I have been in I don't know when:) I am the lucky one to have Baxter;) .


There are several others here on the site that have rescued neglected and abused greys and my hats are off to them as well. I'd like to hear from them too.


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/07 16:10<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/07 16:12

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Erika you know I am so proud of you for what you have done for Baxter and it does take someone special to do what you have accomplishedm you both are so lucky to have each other, karma comes to you for the inspiration you have provided for others who may have considered taking in a rescue, it can be very rewarding indeed. Thank you Erika from the bottom of my heart.



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Thank you Judy. I am starting to wonder if I do have a talent for unwanted birds. Me and my husband were in the pet store yesterday and they had a much smaller grey than Baxter. I asked how old it was and I was surprised to hear it was 10 years old. Of course me and my husband were ooooing and awwwing over him. My husband put his hand down to touch him and got bit:laugh: then I talked to him for a minute or two and he put his down for a scratch:) . I wanted to take him home so bad but knew I couldn't. :(

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I would imagine you would have a house full if you took every one of them that tugged at your heart strings but you are wise to know your limits. Even though you would have liked to have brought this grey home, you realize the more you bring into your home the less time you have with the ones you have and that would be a disservice to them, you can't save them all even though you want to.B) :)

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Rescue birds are very rewarding I have 3 that are rescues Tyco being my newest. I don't ever want to find out what it would be like without those three birds in my life. Luna is shy and very quiet she coos like a dove when she preens every part of my face she is so sweet. When I got her she was a totaly plucked bundle of stress. that was that was 6 years ago she very different now. Fergie was alot like Tyco when I got her 7 years ago now I hold her close and cuddle her she's a snuggle bug and I couldn't do without her pets and cuddle everyday. Now I have Tyco and its been almost a year she's coming around very quickly now. she love head and neck scritches and will step up onto me when ever I ask she's very playful and just love to learn new things. Her confidence has growen so much its is unbeleivable since I got her. She isn't afraid of anything anymore as long as I tell her that its ok and its safe she goes for it. she so speical I have so much love in my heart for her it hard to imagine what life was like before I got her. She my big brave girl. Baxters mom I know just how you feel because I feel the exact same way. There is nothing more rewarding than to see a scared very sad bird turn into a confident happy well adjusted bird the way all birds should be. I take my hat off to you for finding a place in your heart and home for one of these very needy birds. you've done such a good job with Baxter in such a short time. It take allot of love and pateint todo what you have accomplished. Baxters a lucky bird<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/09/07 19:47

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Pat - My Hat is off to you too!!!


You have done a wonderful and important task in taking in these rescues and giving them a warm and loving home. :-)


There's more rescuers here too that will hopefully contribute to this thread. It would be great to see photos or videos of each and everyone of all the rescued Greys posted here by all you great and wonderful people!! :-)

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oh my gosh i thought i was watching merlin! thanks dan for sharing that link.


animal rescue is so very rewarding. it breaks your heart sometimes but it is so very worth it.


mods, i have been hoping for a Rescue Room on this site. perhaps this is a good time to discuss it further?


have a great day



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This is Jazz. He was given to me at 3 1/2 yrs old. Owners worked hard 10 hrs a day. They were nice people. He was alone every day in a TAG sized cage that was full of toys. He had no room to maneuver and started to seriously pluck. He was a high strung bird. He quickly got tired of toys.


This Is Jazz, 6 yrs old, after almost 2 yrs of treating with aloe gel, aloe juice, palm oil, plenty of almonds and lots of wood to chew and most importantly, out of the cage every day, all day with lots of physical handling. During this time, he had 2 relapses. It took quite a while. He's now stopped plucking (since 07)and he is now fully feathered, has a tail ,wing feathers and remains fully flighted. He's not nervous but he does fight with my TAG periodically but my TAG fights with all the birds. So, my point is--things can change over a long period of time even if you get depressed and lose patience. Hang in there. Good things can happen.


PS--I should also add that the previous owners never abused him. The owners worked everyday so he was simply alone. They knew he was in a bad way.









DSCN0148.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/09/07 23:49

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Wow Dave, what a dramatic difference you made in Jazz's life. He is one lucky Grey to have been rescued by you.


The before and after 3 years of hard work, patience and love are stunning, to say the least.


Karma to you my Brother!! :-)

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I really like the song behind the video too. Very fitting.


This is my Baxter:) He was 12 years old when I got him. I wouldn't say he was abused just very neglected. He was cage bound and handled very little if any. There is more about him on my profile page or on the blogs if you want to read more. The first picture was taken in July 08 and I think it shows he was a scared, shy little boy who didn't like to be touched at all in the beginning. The second picture was taken today when he was practicing his flying:) Just noticed it didn't come through. I will try again. shy_baxter.jpg


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/08 05:47<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/09/08 05:50



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I think it´s wonderful how many here are rescuing birds. Our TAG Nokkvi is 6 years old and we´ve had him for 2 and a half weeks now. I don´t know much about him but that he was a breeding bird that didn´t work out and was at the petstore for half a year before we got him. I don´t think he has been abused but not handled much.

I´m practicing stepping up in the toilet every day now. He steps up on a stick and just recently on my hand. There was a setback yesterday. My boyfriend came to the toilet too and and tried to get him to step on his hand, Nokkvi got really scared and tried to get to my hands. It was not possible to get him to step up again yesterday so we had to towel him and put him to his cage.

Today I tried again and got him to step on the stick but as soon as I touched him he flew off and wouldn´t step up again. I´m really sad about this, it´s such a setback.

I´m also afraid that we don´t spend enough time with him but I take him to the bathroom every day and train him and talk to him a lot. He also likes to play with his toys and seems happy.

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