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HELP!!!!!!!! Please!!!!


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Hiya. New to site. It's great!! I have a problem that I need advise with. It may be a long one but if you can spare time to read it I'd be so grateful!!


I always wanted an African Grey but thought I would read up about them first so I have been researching African Greys for 2 years now via books and internet ect and decided that I did want one and had what it took to look after one. I started to save up and bought a large cage and lots of toys and food. I went to a local pet shop and bought a Grey last week. He was cheaper than most because the lady said his owner had passed away and they didn't know anything about him or his background. I bought him home and left him alone for a couple of days. However, I'm starting to wonder if he's actually wild. He's older than a year and looks to be in good health. He copies other birds and can wolf whistle but that's it. He will eat nothing but seed so I am trying to wean him off it. He's obviously never tried veg and fruit as when I put it in the cage he's scared of it and wont move until I remove it. Whenever I go near the cage he growls and hunches over and is obviously very scared. I put my hand in to change his food and he screeches. I have sat by his cage talking to him and I whistle and talk to him when I'm not in the room but he's so frightened.

I put toys in his cage yesterday and he's petrified of them like he's never seen toys before. I took them out and left one in there but he still wont go near it. I'm worried he will start plucking his feathers due to no stimulation.:ohmy: I seem to have spent most of the week crying cause I don't know what's happened to him before he came to me or how to make him feel better. I am aware that this trust can come over time but what happens if he needs to go to the vets? I have a hospital cage but there's no way I can get him to go in there as he doesn't know the step up command or is even hand tame enough for me to put him in there. It's almost like he's had no human contact!! :angry: I don't want an all singing, talking or dancing bird just one I can at least move so he can enjoy the toys and perches I have bought him. The people I know who have Greys say their bird was trusting them after a few days and I understand that I have only had him a week. I spent so many months researching and deciding to get a Grey and feel like I'm failing him.:( I will not get rid of him even if 6 years down the line he's still the same. At least I know he's safe with me but how do I go about helping him enjoy his life with me. I'm upset, angry and fearful for him. Am I just being silly? Any advise will be so gratefully received.

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Guest Monique

Hi. It sounds like you got a "rescue" bird who hasn't had the appropriate socialization and/or had some bad experiences in his life. Since he is already mature it will take him much longer to acclimiate to his home and changes. He may never be a talkative grey that 'loves' to be pet. It may take you a year to build up some trust with him. Greys take a lot of time that way.


If he needs to go to the vet then you get yourself a good pair of gloves he cannot hurt you through and you will have to bring him out that way at this point. Not ideal but if he is sick he will have to get there one way or another.


If you have been researching for 2 years you probably know all sorts of things about how to work with him - just be very very very patient. Maybe you could make it a goal to get him to take a seed through the bars.


And, don't worry about the toys. If he hasn't had them so far, you are right, they are just scaring him and making him less comfortable. He will hopefully come around in time to play with something (but he may not).


Hang in there and keep posting on the board with specific questions.


What is your birds' name? :)

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In one of my Bird Talk magazines there was an article of this editor who won a CAG at some kind of drawing. She said this bird had a very grouchy additue but after three months the bird came around to the point of lying on its back in her hands.


With greys it taks a very long time in some cases before they begin to come around. Be consistant and don't show your frustration. you have to play the psychology game.<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/04/10 15:44

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Besides the talking at the cage, etc. I do have a few things that have worked for others including myself. Adults do take longer than just weaned - so patience. He should come around.


1. Eat your dinner next to the cage. In fact, have some brocoli and other veggies on your plate and make sure he can see you eat it. Just Mmmm, and Ahhh about how good it is. Don't offer yet. Do this for a day, 2 or even a week. Eventually, he may even come to that area of the cage you are eating at and "ask". After a few days, just simply ask - want a brocoli? if he doesn't move. "It's ok, maybe next time." then just eat it.


2. Learn to stick train your bird when you are ready and HE is showing more and more interest. There may come a time when he's on the floor and you are scared and instead of showing fear, you pull a stick perch out for him to step up on.


3. Toys. Petrified. Even to this day, our Suki Dew is completely mortified on some of the toys. So, like a darn fool, I have to hold the toy, play with the toy, move MY nose through it. Grab with my teeth and swing it violently. My wife laughs like hell. But no kidding - if not within 30 mins, she is WITH me picking up one block while I pick another and we both play. Before the day is out, the toy is in and she is buried in it.


Patience. Once he trusts, he'll be around.

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I just read all the great advice you have gotten about your frightened Grey...Id only add one thing. You must relax and KNOW hes gonna be fine. If you are confident. He will feel it. I had amazing success because it never occurred to me that our Grey wouldnt be just fine! I suppose it helped that I knew NOTHING about Greys when he came to us! ;-):P

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I just read all the great advice you have gotten about your frightened Grey...Id only add one thing. You must relax and KNOW hes gonna be fine. If you are confident. He will feel it. I had amazing success because it never occurred to me that our Grey wouldnt be just fine! I suppose it helped that I knew NOTHING about Greys when he came to us! ;-):P

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Hi. Can't thank you all enough for your advise. I feel so much better now. After I posted the problem I went back to his cage and offered him a nut as a treat and he growled but only very slightly. After I moved away he leapt on it like he'd never eaten before. He still hates me going in his cage though but I take heart that he will come round eventually even if it takes a year or so. If you can think of anymore advise that'd be great. Thankyou all so much!!!! I may get a good night's sleep tonight :woohoo: My Grey is called Harry. My son named him that because of the Griffin on Harry Potter apparently :lol: Thankyou all again x

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Kakariki, welcome to the forum. I hope you will enjoy this B)


All I have read - and is being confirmed by all of the experienced Grey owners of this forum is: patience, patience, patience (and love :) ) -


and you'll get the best results...

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