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Update on Gizmo


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Hi everyone,


Well, I've had Gizmo since Tuesday night and he seems to be settling in just fine.


When I open the top of the cage I dont think he could be out any faster, he sits on top of the cage and when I offer a perch he steps onto it then quickly onto my hand.


He's took flight a couple more times and is staying in the air longer but still making crashing falls. I think he may have hurt his foot before because he was standing on one foot with the other curled up into his chest? Due to this, I've made an appointment on wednesday to get his flight feather clipped. Will he still be able to glide?? I hope i'm doing the right thing by him :unsure:


I hung up a few toys with bells on and it's hilarious seeing him hang upside down hitting them then growling at them haha


He's alot more vocal than ever before tonight, he's screeching alot and making noises I havent heard him make.


I was doing the ironing on Thursday and as I realised he wouldnt get his 12 hours sleep, I covered him up early whilst I did the ironing. My black sheet doesnt go all the way to the ground.........guess who works his way to the bottom of the cage and peeks his head through? Watching me iron! haha


I'm also pleased to say he is really good when I mist him with warm water. He goes all round the cage ill admit but makes the cutest gurgling noises. He doesnt seem to get upset one bit but does stay very quiet and still when drying off :P


I thought he was trying to pluck deather the other day when he turned round to near his tail feathers and pulled them right up, there are no feather at bottom of cage so I guess he's just preening???


Anyway, just thought id give a little update for you all! :)

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Thanks for the great update on Gizmo, he is doing real well it seems. I wouldn't worry about the foot, greys hold a foot up close to their chest at times, they are resting that foot and you should see this happen very often when they are just sitting on a perch.


He is becoming more comfortable so he is relaxing more and becoming more vocal, you will see more of his personality now that he is settling in.


They do like to attack and growl at those toys, bells especially are a favorite of Josey, she can get downright vicious at hers sometimes.

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That's awsome! I'm happy to hear things are going well and Gizmo's loving his new home :)

Virtually all of my birds do the same thing with their feet. Sometimes they switch feet very frequently. Sometimes it's a long while between. Unless Gizmo seems to be favoring the foot, or it's sensitive when you manipulate it (gently, of course), I wouldn't worry about it.

What you described sounds like normal preening to me as well. Sounds like things are going great!

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Thanks for the update :)


Is there any particular reasons why your having his wings clipped, young babies do crash land at times,make sure he has places to land he will soon find his feet.He is still so young,personally id let him enjoy his flight before rushing out to have him clipped,& yes a clip that is properly carried out will alow him to glide.

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I'm getting him clipped because he's gone straight for the window every time he takes flight. Even though there are vertical blinds covering them he flys straight for them. The thud of it is sickening.


Hopefully when he gets used to gliding and his flight feather grow back, I wont have to do it again as he'll be more used to flying and the house.

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It sounds like Gizmo is getting used to his new surroundings and flock very quickly.


How old is Gizmo? If his wings are not clipped, was he able to fledge at the breeders? He does not sound like he has fledged, which is of great importance for him to accomplish to gain flight abilities, coordination, balance and confidence.


If he is not crashing into anything too hard, let him learn by trial an error. Thats how they learn to slow down, bank left or right, judge distances and also to target a perch and land etc.


I would strongly suggest you not clip his wings until fledged, if not ever. :-)

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