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Food available all day


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Hi everyone,


Throughout the day there is always the following available in Gizmo's cage...


A) Honey Stick

B) Specific Bird Pellet Mix

C) Seeds


I add fruit when I'm here as I like him to know I'm a source of food. I also hand feed him treats.


Should there ALWAYS be food available to him or would it be a good idea to remove all food sometimes then add it when he is having his meal times??



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I always keep pellets and there seed mix available to my birds. they get breakfast in the morning and that verys day today twice a week they get some sort of egg breakfast such as omelette full of different veggies like hot peppers, broccoli,a little cheese,or french toast on multigrain, or scrambled eggs with multigrain toast with their egg breakfast the get either a couple grapes or a slice of some kind of citrus fruit,or juice. on the other days they somtimes get oatmeal, or a bowl of fresh fruit salad they get some dark leafy greens with their fesh fruit salad. During the day they get little snacks from me because if I'm haveing someting to eat they have to have a bite. then at supper the get what ever we are eating as long as its healthy for them. If it something they can't have then I will make them some sweet potatos, and turnips. I just boil it up real quick and they love it

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I always have their pellets and fresh water in their cage. I do give her treats in form of nuts and seeds. I give her breakfast (oatmeal with baby food or banana or honey) in the morning and then mixed veg in the evening.



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I leave pellets in the cage all the time, along with treats such as apple cinnamon Cheerios, nuts, or Harrison's Power Treats in their foraging wheel. Every other day, I'll chop up fruits and/or vegetables and place them in a separate food bowl for them to eat throughout the day.


In the evenings, when it's meal time, they sit on portable perches around the dinner table and I hand feed them the fruit or vegetable treat of the day. If I just so happen to make something for myself that's avian-safe, such as pasta, I'll offer that too.


One thing I do--to make life easier--is to cook a sweet potato, cut it into half inch slices, and freeze it. That way, I can quickly pull out a slice or two, throw it in the microwave on a very low setting, and be able to offer this treat at a moment's notice. Other vegetables, I typically offer raw.

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Misty has fruit,veg, nuts and seed available to him all day but he still prefers to share my meals so I take care about my menu to ensure it is OK for him. If he thinks I am late with my meals he lets me know about it in no uncertain terms !

Greys are most definitely social eaters. If I go out for a meal I feel guilty for leaving him at home !


Steve n Misty

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