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Roscoes 13 weeks old


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Roscoe is growing up! Well sortof lol he is 100% all my bird tho. I cannot walk in the same room with him without him vocalizing and climbing to the door of his cage and he will not stop until I go get him and then it is almost like he is spazing out to get on my hand fast enough LOL! I just adore him!! He doesn't dislike my hubby but he acts different towards him than I. He puffs up and sways back and forth whenever my hubby comes close to him or his cage. My hubby does not mind tho because Roscoe was bought just for me anyways here is my big boy <3 3b801.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/09/05 20:57


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Roscoe is a sweet looking guy, very handsome and he doesn't have you wrapped around his little talon does he, you are spoiling him but enjoy it.


Josey does not care much for my hubby either but she is more tolerant of him now than when she first came into my life, she is my bird anyways.


Thanks for sharing that picture with us:) :P

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Thanks Lyric I just wish he would eat more on his own because he is getting a little too thin for me. I think he depends on me too much and maybe I have over-spoiled him :( I can feel his breast bone even at 13 weeks old and still feeding him 3 times a day...what am I doing wrong?

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