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What is he DOING?????


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Over the last few days when I take my cag out for some play time. He sits with me and just constantly makes this little chirping noise. He is now 9 months old. I can't figure this out. Like right now he's sitting on the play stand just chirping-CONSTANTLY_. Making me nuts. When he goes back in he talks up a storm. When he is out it sounds like a smoke alarm when the battery is low. Is it some sort of baby thing? Someone explain it please.

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It sounds like he discovered a new noise and thinks it's fun to do. My CAG Elmo will do the same thing...when he is in his cage or in the bathroom she talks non-stop, but if she is with me or on her stand she will do the phone ring, cell phone tone, or some other new noise she has learned that she thinks is fun to do. It sounds to me that your grey your grey just discovered how fun that noise it to do, so what you need to do is not pay any attention to it. He will get tired of doing it and will move on to a new noise. If you try to get him to stop by telling him to stop of showing him any attention he will learn that the smoke alarm sound is the noise to make to get your attention.

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def know how you feel my TAG came one day with a similar noise at first i did the normal thing and say what your problem? and hey stop then it turned into the chirp and then stop and whats your problem from him..lol so needless to say ignoring him is the very wise choice. I did it and took him back to his cage a couple times and he got the picture. Now he still says whats your problem any other time he lets out a louder noise..urgh like little kids they are

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  • 3 weeks later...

As hard as it is, ignoring him is best. I also whisper to Tucker when he's being too loud and tell him, "Tucker, shh calm down buddy." Now when he gets worked up, all I have to do is say Tucker and he starts whispering the rest. They are such smart birds, you just have to make sure you're training them to do what you want, not reinforcing the negatives. Giving him attention or being loud when he does something wrong just makes the whole thing fun and he'll want to do it more. Hope it all works out.

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Yep the new high pitched sound is always annoying! Over the weekend the weather here was nice so we had our doors open. There are several hawks that live near us. We hear them often screaming as they fly. Alex picked it up right away and decided it wasn't piercing enough so upped that! You have no idea how hard it was to just ignore him.

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Suzzique wrote:

Alex picked it up right away and decided it wasn't piercing enough so upped that!


That's so funny. Tucker does the same thing. He'll mimic a noise or bird he heard outside, but louder. I always have to remind my fiends that a cute little whistled tune isn't as fun at full volume.

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Klaus is actually helping me with sounds!

He can do the stove timer (so cute).

I had a cake in the oven, but I was down the hall at the other end of the house when the timer when off. So I stopped to listen, thinking "Is that the timer?" and just then Klaus chimed in, doing the sound. So I knew for sure the timer was going off and didn't waste a trip going to double check.

That's my helpful little buddy, always pitching in! LOL

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yup.. pretty much sounds like a new noise that its heard, and likes lol... They do that a lot, just wait until he/she picks up your mobile phone ring tone, or your doorbell lol.. Then you will really go nuts haha.. I find some noises adanna makes cute, others, like the screech she is doing just now drives me mad :P

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As it turned out, he gave up on the pellets he had in there all together. I noticed that there was a significant decrease in the frquency of droppings. The sound he was making was because he was hungry. Even though he was getting his daily veggie mix he was not taking in enough. I actually brought him into the bird specialty store where I got him and let him try different pellets to see which he would eat. He didn't eat any of them until I got to the Zeigler. He ate thos right up and has been on them since. He is now back to his Happy self.

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I'm glad you figured things out he might have starved himself to death. A lot of birds are strange like that they won't eat if they don't like something. Even if their starving. You should get youself a digital scale and weigh your bird every morning before breakfast after his morning poop and keep track of it so you can average out his normal weight. That way if he's loses more then 10% of his average weight you know somthings wrong and can take him to the vet. Just a digital kitchen scale will work this is a picture of mine. just make sure it reads in grams or lbs so you can weigh him in Grams.



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Thats excellent that you were able to find a pellet he would eat and yes some are like that, will eat one particular brand or kind and nothing else.


I second the idea of a digital gram scale and use it everyday for a while to get the average weight and then you can use it once or twice a week to keep it in check.


Poor baby was hungry but he's happy now, karma for you for doing what it takes to keep your grey happy. Now don't be a stranger and keep in touch more often.:)

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