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Cat Food?


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Just wondering, if cat food both wet and dry could hurt Mika?

Right now when he is allowed on the floor he rushs right in to the kitchen to help himself to the cat bowls. I have to be 1 step ahead of him with them picked up, but he scouts around for a left over kibble and grabs and runs.


Will this do him any harm?:(


Carolyn & Mika

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Dry cat food is sometimes used for chicken-like birds as a high protein food.


My sister found a very young peacock chick abandoned and saved it from some geese -- she fed it dry cat food and scrambled eggs, and it grew fast and healthy into a beautiful white male. (Alas, a few weeks ago it got spooked and hopped the fence, and hasn't been seen since :(. )


Dry definitely won't hurt, and I very much doubt wet would either. However it's probably NOT nutritionally very close to what your grey NEEDS so I would avoid him getting any large amount of either. And certainly if the cats been licking/eating there, don't let him get into it.


Somehow my house is the opposite. I could almost swear the cats sit and wait hopefully for Starbuck to toss down the pellets she doesn't want -- the kitties gobble them up happily.

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Well Charlie the cat is now being fed on the counter, and Mika is still checking thinks out where the food WAS. He goes back and forth looking for the bowls, and then sits on the floor looking up at the cat eating.

Better to be safe than sorry with him, he's such a little piggy when it comes to food.


Carolyn & Mika

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