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Broomer: Loki?


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Yes, the time is going to drag! It will seem like years and decades. Time is going to go by soooooooo sloooooowww for you. Time will seem like it is standing still. You will think the day will never come and on and on and on. Just kidding;) Can't wait to hear all about the big day! I think we are all excited for you.

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Time does slow down in proportion to the closer pick time becomes. :P

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Not really, been stuck at work yesterday, and I will be today. Tomorrow I have to finish setting up a few small things for his cage (We bought a wooden perch, it's kinda .... HUGE .. gotta cut a branch off) and relax, since I didn't get to much on my 10 day vacation since we were remodeling the bathroom hehe. Then Monday I have to work ... Monday will probably be the one day that will drag, since it's so bloody boring at my work on Mondays :laugh:.


Kim, however, has been saying .. and I quote .. *ahem* .. " I want my Birdy home NOW! :(" for about a week now ;):) :lol: :laugh: :woohoo: :silly:

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Well keeping busy will make the time go by quicker but it getting closer by the minute.


I think Loki is the most anticipated grey on the forum, everyone looking forward to Tuesday September 9, 2008, it will be a momenteous occasion.


Now I can't wait:S :silly: :lol:

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