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AGC parrot brought home yesterday


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My husband and I have decided that we won't take our grey outside unless she's in a harness or an outdoor cage. The breeder has her outside in a cage raguarly so we're not too worried about it, just don't want her getting lost or hurt.

The movement on you picking up the towel probably just freaked your grey out the same way that sudden movements we catch out of the corner of our eye can sometimes freak us out for a minute. It may not have been anything other than a quick "oh crap what's that!" reaction :)

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A harness is a little thing you put on your birds back and chest and has a leash type thing to go with it. Just like if you put your dog on a harness but for birds. Do a search on google or yahoo for Avian Harness and you should get some websites. These go over their bodies instead of on the leg like a tether which can cause major harm to a leg if they fly or jerk their leg. The harness is much safer and they sell them in a lot of pet stores. I am going to get one for Baxter next year and will try it. I have only had him 2 months and he is 12 years old. I don't think he is ready for me to put a harness on him yet:P


The first week or two that I had Baxter I bled on a daily bases from his bites.:( You will just have to learn his limits as I did. :ohmy: If Baxter is not in the mood, I either have to back off or I will get bit:) Simple as that. He's not really aggressive unless I over do it or push him too hard. The only time he bites me know if we are playing with toys and he gets too excited but I don't think that is out of meaness at all.


Don't leave the room if you get bit, stay with him so he doesn't keep biting and think if I bite he will leave. Don't let him think he can run you off. They are so smart and if you act scared they will sense it and know it.

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Mika goes out with me each day for a walk, he is wearing a Aviator Harness, it took about 3 weeks for him to be comfortable wearing it, and for me to be just as comfortable to be able to put it on him. Now mind you Mika is only 5 months old right now and a little more acceptable to new things, and new ideas.

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"""""an he will pick that up and or add it to his vocab?"""


Maybe just a few things, but most things he won't and if he does pick up things, you won't hear anything for quite a while.. The important thing is to establish a constant verbal relationship so that he gets to know you. Him talking isn't important right now. Just becoming friends with him is what you should be thinking about cause he really doesn't know you well.


"""" he probably hit every nextel ringtone there is and like 2 different fire alarm chirps. should i ignore him or correct it or let him open up more? """


You have to ignore it because there's nothing you can do to correct or change that. He didn't learn those things from your household.

Having towel near him is a bad idea unless it needs to be used in an emergency, so don't let him see you handling the towel when you're going to him. More than likely, he has a fear of towels from some past experiences.


Just one thing I don't understand here---


""""this morning i flew to the ground when i woke up,"""""


Do you live somewhere above the house?<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/09/06 23:32

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I woke up this morning with Storm at the bottom of my bed after the fact i moved to get conformable and i felt a hard peck!!!! i woke up saying WTF!!?!?!! there storm was at the bottom of the bed droppings and all, he must have been there for some time to have went to the bathroom a few times. We talked for a little and then i went back to sleep cautious of him being on my bed now. i woke up and he was still there, this time around i had to leave for practice and wasnt sure if he got stuck and wanted to be back at the perch etc. i tried to up him and he got really mad and yelled so i let him be and went on my way due to time being tight. i came back and he got to a lot of paper shredding most of it all up.


Should i let him on my bed being as though he made the effect from across the room to bed?


Was he trying to make a nest? should i give him paper he can have so he doesnt do that anymore?


What should i have done when he got mad when i wanted him back on the perch?


Should i set his cage up so he can be in the cage when im not home? fyi its under maintenance of getting cleaned and coated over again due to come rust

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So Storm doesn't have a cage at the moment? You really need a cage for him to be in when you are not at home for he could get into something that could harm or kill him. He might decide to chew on some electrical wires and get fried from it.


He should not have the run of the house, this bird is definitely calling the shots, you are allowing him to do as he pleases and he will use it to his best advantage if you continue.


He is not trying to make a nest, greys love to shred up things, paper is a favorite but they will chew anything they can get ahold of and that includes your furniture.


You have the equivilent of a small child, you would not dare leave that child unattended while you are out of the house, the same applies here to your grey.


I think you need to set up a cage immediately so he has someplace to go when you aren't home if you want to have a living grey in your future.

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what is set up right now is the bottom half of the cage and the top half i have them both mounted on top of each other. i disassembled what was left of the cage when i first got it to clean it. i saw that there was some damages to the cage so i wanted to clean, fix and refinish some parts. Since i got him he never left the top of his cage so i was not in any rush. Everything will be set up today and i should have some pics up soon enough.

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Hello Udbluehen- welcome to the forum. Sounds like you may have your hands full with your new grey, Storm. You should definitely leave your bird inside his cage with the door closed whenever you are not around, or even if you are sleeping. If he got in your bed while you were asleep you could roll over on him and kill him without realizing it. They are very mischievous birds and can get into a lot of trouble in a very short period of time. It sounds like you were lucky he didn't fly away when you took him outside. Even with clipped wings they can sometimes fly away if scared so I only take mine out in a carrier. Lots of people use the avian harnesses with success so you may want to try that out. Good luck with your new bird- I hope you wont try to discourage him from making his noises- he is feeling comfortable around you if he is making them and this is a good sign.

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