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Charlies new cage


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Charlies new cage arrived yesterday.It was assembled in record time.I was dreading introducing him to it as it normally takes 2 weeks to introduce a toy. I dont have the room to put it next to the old cage so charlie was in for a shock. I decided to just give it a go and see if he went in it. To my surprise he went in with only the slightest hint of fear. I spent the next hour playing with him and feeding him lots of treats inside the cage. The only thing he was not sure about was the food dishes. So I sat with him on my knee feeding him out of the new dishes untill he was quite happy to tuck in himself.Once I put the dishes and him back in the cage he was fine. When I covered him up for bed he took a few minuites to settle but I soon heared him grinding his beak,a sign he was relaxed so I left him. Today he is fine, playing with toys,eating and going in his toy box at the bottom of the cage. The only thing troubeling him seems to be that he cant quite make out how to climb in and out and up to the play top. Any sugestions on how to rectify this? He should be able to manage it without to much trouble. Maybe it will take a few days for him to try. I have taken him in and out on my hand and sat him on top where he is a bit unsure but not too bad considering. I know this is not the ideal way to introduce the cage to him, But I have no choice.Any sgestions would be very helpfull.

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It really sounds like Charlie is doing fine with the new cage and I wouldn't be worried at all if I were you. The fact that he settled down to beak grinding and went to sleep means he was quite comfortable in there. If you have to help him with getting in and out for a few days, this should be okay. With time, he'll be curious enough to figure it out for himself.

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she wrote:

The only thing troubeling him seems to be that he cant quite make out how to climb in and out and up to the play top. Any sugestions on how to rectify this? He should be able to manage it without to much trouble. Maybe it will take a few days for him to try.


I think you just answered this one yourself;) It will take him a few days. He is doing brilliant to be so comfortable in the cage already, and no doubt curiosity will get the better of him and he will be investigating the play top before you know it!


Great jobB)

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