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Thank you for the advice


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OK I fianly got Shadow into the bigger cage, when I first rolled it out he was on his old cage looking like OH NO YOUR NOT! I just let him crawl back and forth beiween both cages while I got everything in the big cage, well he stood there when the last perch went in, he looked at me started his baby crying noises, I told him its ok this is his big boy cage, I stuck my head in there and showed him all the space he has and all the other new pearches and toys, HE LOVES IT! he is all over it, but he is just staying on one perch when I shut him in, ( I had to take a shower ) when its open he is happy, I guess he needs to get used to all the extra space. I feel so much better knowing he is no longer in a rusted cage and learned a lesson, do not trust such a great deal on Craig's List!

OH THANK GOD I SEEN HIM EATING AND DRINKING IN THE NEW CAGE. I was worried about that, with him weaning I worry, and me going into surgery I worry, Im getting grey hair and he is not even 4 months old yet!

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I am so pleased that everything has worked out well for you and Shadow.

I have not changed cages yet with my Greys, but I know how funny they can be after putting in a new perch or a toy, the last time I did this we had a stand off for a week!

He is young though and I think you did the right thing now before he gets any older, it would probably have been more difficult to change cages then.

I hope everything goes well in surgery and wish you a speedy recovery.


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Caroline is right, greys can be funny about anything new including a cage, you just have to give them time to get used to it but it looks like Shadow will be just fine.


Hope all goes well in your surgery and you are back to tell us some more tales of Shadow, the grey.:P

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Thats great news Jadewolf. I am glad it has worked out so well for you both. I know what you mean regarding Grey hairs that seemingly come attached with an African Grey Parrot. It seems to be a virus that goes unseen until the Grey hairs start popping out. :-)

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