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Hi thought id join this forums as it seemed to be the busiest with the most users online.

I have owned 2 congos now for the last 7 and six years.Having owned Jack for about 1yr my mother gave me her Bird Loui,Both birds took a liking to each other almost instantly.

After pairing them for 2 years i decided to make a nest box and see if they would breed.After only two weeks Loui the female had laid her first egg.

A few days later she was sitting on four.A month went by and no chicks had hatched this was before i knew how to spot the eggs.I removed the eggs and before long she had laid again but to no avail still unfertile.The third batch came and one morning i checked in the box Loui almost fell out it i thought she was dead.I took her along to my local vet.He said that she wasnt egg bound and that she had a calcium deficiantcy and gave her a shot.The next day she looked no better so i took her back for another calcium shot.Later that day she dropped an egg with a finger and thumb mark each side where the vet had checked her.

Enough was enough i took the nest box away rather than going thru that again.

At the beginning of this year i decided to put the box back on and once again she laid almost instntly but again the eggs were infertile,She has laid three batches of 3 eggs this year all unfertile i was beginning to think that jack was firing blanks lol so thought id best take the box back off her.Before i removed the box she had laid again.That was about one month ago and yesterday i checked in on her and to my suprise there was a tiny little baby squeeking away.

All seems to be well and Loui seems to be a good mother and jack hasnt shut up lol.This is all new to me so i hope that there are some peeps out there that can help and guide me thru this.I plan on letting the parents rear untill about four weeks then i want to hand rear so ill keep you all posted.



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Hi Haggis & Welcome to the forum.Any Scottish connection there to your username ?


Have you any experience in hand rearing ? If not please read as much as possible before you pull these babies in to rear.I have included a few links for you to have a read through...Also the internet is a wealth of knowledge ;)





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Hi Haggis,


Welcome to the grey forum. Congratulations on your first chick after what sounds like a very long wait! I am delighted that Jack and Loui are being such good parents. The links Lovemygreys suggested are well worth a read. And of course if you have any questions along the way please ask.


Are you planning on keeping this chick as a pet or are you going to sell it on?



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Hello Haggis and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and these two greys.


This is wonderful that they are parents of a cute little baby grey, I can't begin to imagine how you must feel, on top of the world maybe:) but congrats to you.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you any way we can.


Lovemygreys has provided you with some links to threads that will help you with your new baby and she is an authority on hand feeding.


Meanwhile the others of us would like to see some pictures of Jack and Loui if you would share some with us.:)

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Hi thanks all,yes there is a scottish connection to my user name.I live in kent in england but iam originaly from Scotland and seemed to of adopted this name lol,Iam not planning on keeping any chicks but you never know lol theyre so cute.Thanks for the links i shall read thru them with interest.I shall take some pics real soon and keep you all posted.



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Hi all and thanks for making me feel so welcome.B)

:woohoo: Another chick hatched this morning and seems to be doing well both jack and loui are feeding so alright so far:cheer: .Just one question there is 1 egg left and its clear should i take the egg away now?

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Congrats on a second baby hatching, wow this is wonderful to hear and so glad that Jack and Loui are doing a fine job with them.


I can't answer on the other egg, maybe just leave it for the time being as you might be disturbing the parents and you don't want to do that.

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