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Elmo had a hard day


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We have two Oaks and a Chocolate Guava in the front yard (two of which are by my room) and they were infested with ants. Well, the day before Fay hit my dad trimmed them away from the house and stirred them up. So between the trimming and the hurricane the ants started pouring into the house!!! It was horrible, they were coming into my room big time because the outside walls of my room are right by two of the trees. I went trough and put down baby powder along the borders of my room and thought they were gone but then they started coming in through the attic. I guess they were really bad in my dads bathroom and in the laundry room too so my dad got sick of it and called an exterminator. I was not happy about it so I started making plans for what to do with the birds. They guy came over to check out what all needed to be done and to give an estimate. He and my dad went room to room and when he walked into my room he was like "Woo, you got birds..." He started going over "bird safty" with my dad telling him that you can't spray anything around birds (my dad din't believe me) and that they would work around it. I told the guy I was going to move the finches to the back lanai and he said that would be a bad idea because their would be a LOT of spraying back there and that they would be safer in my room. He told me that the spray they use is less toxic than the stuff the other companies use and that as long as they were in my room with the A/C on they would be fine. He seemed very knowledgeable about avian safty so when he set us up to have the house sprayed that day and I decided that I would leave the finches in my room and take Elmo to work with me. Elmo had a good time in the car (as always) but as soon as we pulled up behind the store he knew where we were and I could tell he was not thrilled. I tried to put him into a couple cages in a less hectic part of the department but he wanted no part of them so I let him stay in his harness so he could sit on me while I cleaned the glass on all our Lory pens till he seemed to relax. I then put him in the young macaw cage near the back room door and the baby birds so he could keep an eye on me. He went into that cage okay but was not happy when I shut the cage and padlocked the door. He was passing back and forth upside-down from the top of the cage for a good 30 minutes and then just clung to the side for the rest of the evening...only moving to the front of the cage when I would walk up, or moved back to the top when a customer would come up to him. The whole day I was just thinking that he was going to start plucking because he was so stressed, I had never seen him so unhappy, but I knew it was for his own good. At the end of the night I went to get him out and he was SO excited he lunged to get to me and did not put up ANY protest to get back into his harness. He was so happy on the ride home, and when my b/f Paul got there I had Elmo go to him and boy was he happy to be with the both of us back in his room! The next day he wanted nothing else but to be with me and I can't even begin to tell you how many times he gurged for me. I now know that I brought her up right and that she can handle anything. I am so proud of her.


By the way, all the finches are fine and there was no smell in the house at all.


044.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/09/04 06:26

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What a ordeal Berna!! It is wonderful to hear that Elmo has been brought up in a way that he has learned to expect the unexpected and go where you go on trips to different locations.


Well Done!! It good to hear things are getting back to normal now and Elmo is back and happy as a Lark. :-)

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I think it was really smart that you took Elmo to work with you that day. I would have been worried about the rest of your birds too- even though the exterminator seemed to know what he was talking about, noone is as careful around our birds as we are ourselves. I'm glad everyone survived the day just fine and now Elmo will count herself lucky that you didn't leave her at the pet store! It was probably a good experience for her anyway.

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Yeah, I was worried about the finches, but there is 14 of them and moving them...esp the Gouldians, could have done more harm than good. The company was Hulett that came out and I've been telling everyone how great they were with the birds and that they did what they said they would...get rid of the ants!


I could never have asked for a better bird than Elmo, she keeps me on my toes and always seems to amaze me with what she can do, handle, and understand. But thats a Grey for ya'.:laugh:

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Yeah, I'm very pleased. I didn't see the guy that sprayed...different guy that came in the morning...but from what my stepmom said one of the first things out of his mouth was he would NOT sray near the birds. Plus the first guy said that the tech that would come out had a lot of Avian experiance.

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I've been lucky that my pest control company isn't fond of spraying indoors at all. They'll do it if you ask, but they'd prefer to spray the outdoor perimeter of the home instead. I was skeptical at first, but I haven't had any pest issues and I don't have to fear for the safety of my fids.


Oh. I think I have to side with Elmo on this one. I really don't care for going to work either. :P

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Yeah, the only reason they sprayed inside was because the ants were all over. He said that they would only need to spray inside once or maybe twice and then it would all be outside spraying. Nothing is getting in if they are all dead outside.:laugh: :blink: :lol:


I think Elmo disagrees with the name of the store...it's not Pet Kingdom, it's Pet Hell!!!:evil:

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