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getting a companion bird


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I have had a grey for fourteen years. He has always been quite persistent in letting me know that I should be with him all the time. Of couse this is an impossibliity.


He has recently resorted to a "crying" sound that resembles a cross between a whimpering puppy and a squeaky toy. I have considered getting a companion bird for him and recently located a fourteen year old, cage bound female grey that is in need of TLC. I'm sure I can tame the female if I decide to get it.


If anyone can offer any information on the process of introducing another bird to the household, I would appreciate it.

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Getting another bird is fine but don't get it for your Grey because he may never except it. if you want another bird for yourself thats fine. They may become friends but also may not so if you are ready to take on a bird that is going to need a ton of extra care and attenion then fine but don't use your existing bird as a reason to adopt a needy bird.

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I would have to say that it's probably not a good idea.


You never want to get another bird for your current bird because there is a good chance that they may never get along. Plus, if you get another bird that needs attention you will be cutting into the time you would have spent with the first bird. If your grey seems bored then set up a fish tank or get a big flight cage with a set of finches for him to watch. My grey loves to watch my finches and fish while she is in her cage.

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Welcome Gabriel!!


Berna hit the nail on the head. Your Grey is in need of more attention from you, not less. A second Parrot would be viewed as a threat, that is taking your attention away from your present Grey.


There is never a guarantee that two birds will ever get along or be able to be out of their cages at the same time with out harming each other.


Make sure you Greys Cage is full of toys he loves to play with. Put some wadded up paper in the bottom, or some pop sickle sticks etc for him to shred. Hide food inside paper cups etc. to promote foraging activity. This things will keep his mind active and body getting exercise as well.


Most of us do work and are gone all day while our Greys are at home. They are just like a child bouncing up and down when we return home in excitement. But, they know routines and accept them as long as they are consistent for the most part.


It's great having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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The others have given you some excellent advice, greys are very cautious of any other birds even another grey so getting one to be company for the one you have will probably be in vain.


I like Berna's idea of getting some finches and putting the cage where your grey can see them and keep him company.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your grey. What is his name?

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thanks for welcoming me to your community and for your input regarding a companion for my bird. I apologize for taking so long to respond. I have been out of town for a few days.


I could not locate the "welcome Room" so I have posted all my information as well as my bird's info on my updated profile.


I look forward to further discussions.

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