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Who's the better talker - TAGs/CAGs?


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Guest Monique

Aside from looks, the only difference I have ever consistently heard of between the TAGs and CAGs is that the TAGs are supposedly a little more extroverted and a little less neurotic.

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Talking ability is not the only important reason I want a grey. I like the looks and personaty of the grey species. If it can say english words, it's an added bonus. I was just curious about the differences between the TAG and CAG. Since I have read the only differences between the two were size, temperment, and color, I wanted to clear up the suggestion that TAGs were not as good as CAGs when it comes to talking ability. I do belive however that each bird is an individual and the skills from one bird to another can very a great deal. Much like us humans. :)

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Guest Monique

I agree. Skills, like and dislikes will vary a lot one bird to another. When we decided on our TAG the breeder described both the two that she had available on personality and I based my decision upon that. Just like people some are more outgoing, some more laid back, some more quiet, and some more boisterous. :)

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Guest Monique

She is scheduled to come home next Sunday or the following Tuesday. She is more than 1,000 miles away so I won't be able to visit her :) . I tried to figure out how to post a picture earlier as I just got one. I think I'm going to name her Aubrey.

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I like that name. To post a picture simply hit "reply" and you should see a "Img" button as one of the compose tools, when you click on it, you add tags to the link that will enable the forums to display the image. I recommend using www.imageshack.us to upload pictures--it's a free service. Once you upload the photo(s) to imageshack, you can copy the link provided and paste that link in the popup window's text box.


So here’s the steps needed:


1.) create an account with imageshack - www.imageshack.us


2.) upload photos to imageshack - keep the webpage open


3.) open a new browser window by clicking on the Internet Explorer icon and come to the grey forums and start a new topic. (You should have two browsers open now, one for the forums and another for imageshack)


4.) click the "Img" button from one of the format tools above the compose text box.


5.) activete the image shack webpage by clicking on it's window and copy the "Direct" link provided, for the image of choice.


6.) activate the grey forums by clicking on its window, and paste the newly copied link in the message body and then highlight only the image link, then click the "Img" button. If this does not work, then try only pasting the link and see what happens.


Your done!


If you have problems let me know.<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/04/09 23:49

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You can also take other photos by right clicking on the image and go to properties and then copy and paste the link of the photo, then paste that link in the measage body, highlight the link in the measge body and click the "Img" button


tn1511_4601d469bf619.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/04/09 23:46

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