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Howdy From Arizona


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Me and my sister got the chance for 3 and 1/2 years to care for a wonderful, very smart CAG and Green-cheek conure. Shadow and Poco. We lost them both Jan. 9th from teflon poisioning that at the time we were unaware of the dangers. The house was too quiet and we wanted young CAG's and we found 2 together at a pet shop in Phoenix. Was told they were 10 weeks old and ready to go home on 2 feedings and could switch to seed and food in a week. Our avain vet assured us that they both were not even 4 weeks old, we were trained and with vet visits weekly they will be 8 mths old on the 4th. Skippy is my boy name coming from Shadow's personal peanutbutter supply and Scookie is his brother name coming from Shadow's last new word of scared and cookie he said together one day and then laughed so hard knowing he mixed them up. We also have a B & G Macaw her name is Peanut, you get the idea where her name came from. We also have cats and dogs and they all get along, we have lost a dog and cat this year also due to their age 19 and 20. The boys aren't talking yet but they love Mario video game sounds and household sounds to. Skippy sits on my chest while propped back on the bed to watch his diamondbacks games and he loves the news.

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Hello and welcome to the grey forum. I am so sorry to hear about Shadow and Poco. That is so sad. But it sounds like you have your hands full now with Skippy and Scookie.

I can't wait to see lots of photos of your 2 greys, the one in your avatar is very cute :)



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Hey there Skippy, welcome!

Sorry to hear about Shadow and Poco, and your dog and cat. That's great that you were able to get training and have vet assistance with Skippy and Scookie. They are lucky birds. :) Looking forward to hearing more about you and your flock. There's a section of the forum for non-greys that we'd love to see Peanut in... no pressure :whistle:

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Hello Skippy and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Skippy.


I am sorry to hear of your loss of Shadow and Poco, its sad to know that too many of our precious birds lost their lives due to something we didn't know anything about.


Shame on that pet shop for selling you uweaned babies and lying about their age, I would turn them into the authorities if it were me, they should not be in business.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Skippy you would like to share with us we would love to see him, and we have an other birds room where you can post pics of Scookie and Peanut, I just love those names.

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