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Hey all! Along with questions


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How are you guys doing? I've been doing a ton of research on birds for years, and I was a manager at both Petco and Petsmart when I was younger. Now that I'm older with a good job, time and my own place, I'm finally ready to get a Grey.


I've contacted a bird rescue in my area and I will be adopting one of two African Greys that were recently put up for adoption. Their roughly 15 years old and were kept in a travel cage all their lives if I'm not mistaken. Their owner is sick with cancer and unfortunately can not care for them anymore. Despite the cramped cage, I'm informed they're in good spirits.


My question is an odd one, I'm pretty sure with the owner not being able to afford a good cage, I would assume that they're on a mostly if not all seed diet. Now, is there a seed diet out there that I can mix with pellets that does not have peanuts? I ask not because of the bird's health (although that is one reason), but mostly because I'm allergic to them and I don't want to kill myself while trying to wean him off of the seeds :woohoo:


Also, how would you guys go about helping a bird of that age get comfortable in a new surrounding? I've been able to deal with many birds who were "trouble" birds in the stores I've worked before, but never a bird older than 2 or so.


And please shower me with any other advice you can think of, I'm not to proud to turn down the sage words of more experienced people!

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Hi Darkmocha

Welcome to the forum. I admire you for taking on an older grey, and I imagine you will get great satisfaction knowing you have improved his life so much.


I can't help you with the details of where to buy a mix without nuts as I don't live in the US, but it has to be possible as it is unfortunatley a fairly common allergy:unsure:


There is lots of information here about bringing home a new bird. I am sure, having worked with birds before, you know the drill, give it time to adjust, don't expect too much too soon, patience, patience and more patience;)


I look forward to hearing all about your new grey, and when you get a chance some pictures would be nice;)



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Hi Darkmocha & Welcome.


There is a ton of information in the bird food room on diet.As Siobhan im in the UK & all of the seed mix's i know of contain nuts.Perhaps some of our US members will be able to advise you.


As for introducing a cage,perhaps have one set up all ready for your grey for when you bring him home,have his travel cage set up near the cage & hopefully over time he will be able to make the move.


Is he handable ? As you know time & patience is the biggest factor,im sure given time you will reap the rewards from him.


Look forward to hearing more from you :)

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Hi and welcome Darkmocha!

Congrats on finally being able to get a grey! You must be very excited. Sounds like he will be one lucky bird :)

My conure is still sleeping (and does not take kindly to sleep time being disrupted) but when I get home from work I'll check the ingredients list on his seed mix. I don't think there's peanuts in it, there are other types of nut though...

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Hello Darkmocha and welcome here. It's so wonderful you are giving a good home to a grey that really needs it. Check out DrsFosterSmith.com they have a great variety of seed mixes. If you can't handle having peanuts around you at all you may have to mix your own seed mix or get a cockatiel seed mix until you can make the transition to pellets. They have bulk seeds and dried fruits and nuts available that you can mix yourself. Most of the parrot seed mixes do contain peanuts but it appears that the mixes for cockatiels do not, but you could also call them and discuss it to find out for sure. I have done business with them for years and they are a great company to order from. Best of luck with your new addition.

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Hello Darkmocha and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this rehomed grey you are getting.


With your experience you should have no trouble in helping this grey with the transition to a new home and a larger cage.


I'm so glad you have it in your heart to take in one of these greys, rehomed birds can be very rewarding to someone who is willing to spend the extra time and effort to win over their heart and you sound like that kind of person.


You will find lots of information in our many theads so read thru them at your leisure and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


When you do take possession of this grey and take some pictures of it if you would share some with us we would love to see him/her.


I think Lyric has the best suggestion of mixing your own seed, that way you can avoid any contact with peanuts, maybe even email some of the major manufacturers to see if they offer any without peanuts.:)

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Welcome DarkMocha!!


There are several seed mixes available without peanuts you can purchase at most pet stores or online. Many also have pellets and other various shaped pellet type items in them also to help give your grey a wide variety to dine on during the day.


Also, they love fruits and veggies. It is important to give them helpings of them each day also.


If they were kept in travel cages, I would imagine they spent most of their time out of those cages and roaming about their home with the owner. Try and get as much information as you can from the rescue on your Grey and his previous living environment, foods etc. It will help you greatly in transitioning you new grey into your home.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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Thanks so much to everyone for all the great advice. I'm going to go with lyrics advice so I bought a small bag of cockatiel seed along with some pellets, spray millet and a few toys. I'm beyond excited! It's taken me years of restraint to keep from buying one before and now I'm finally ready.


The person running the rescue is taking them to the vet today or tomorrow and I'll be visiting/picking him up early next week. As soon as I get more information from the foster person I'll let you guys know.

And don't worry guys, as soon as he's home I'll have a few pictures :)

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Thats good he is getting a vet check before you bring him home and please do let us know anything more you find out.


I can relate to the excitement you must feel at this moment and early next week won't come soon enough but it will, trust me.;)


You better have pictures, we are anxious to see this grey.:lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well here's an update for everyone. After a few scheduling problems, I finally got to meet my little guy yesterday. All things considered, he's in really good shape. It turns out that the original owner dropped the birds off at the SPCA as she became sick and the people at the shelter did a horrible job clipping/butchering their wings. They look a lot worse than they actually are and the vet expects the feathers to grow out without a problem.

Also it seems that he was eating the paint off his ridiculously small cage and so his blood test came back with a high metal count. So he'll be getting medicine for that on Wednesday and I will of course be getting him a larger cage early this week.

As for his temperament, he's very sweet. He was a bit scared, and would shake slightly when somebody new got close, but after talking to him for a while (like 10-15 minutes) he calmed down. When I asked him to step up and he didn't want to he just looked at me, without biting. I eventually got him to and he was very sweet if not a bit cautious. He's about as good as I could hope, I've personally hand fed birds that bit me more than he did in the hour I was there.

So I'm even more excited now that I know how he is. I'll continue to keep you guys updated!

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Congradulations. I am so excited for you. I took on a 12 year old grey a few months ago. He wasn't handled much, didn't play with toys, can't fly because he was cage bound but he had a very sweet disposition despite all that. It took a few days for him to settle in and I got bit a few times because I was so anxious:laugh: but we are best friends now and I haven't gotten bit by him in a long long time. He settled in really easy and with each passing week there was major progress. I'm sure you guys will bond in no time with ease. Baxter let me know what a good pace was for him to get used to all the new stuff and I'm sure yours will too.


I have now taught my grey Baxter to play with toys and he lets me pet him all over pretty much. I've only had him since July 13 08 and I'd say after a month he was fully settled and comfortable with me in his new home. The first month he was edgy but friendly and curious and so so willing to do new things right from the start. I think it's great you are giving taking in an older bird and you will rewarded so much for it.


I can't wait untill you bring him home and give him the luxious new cage. I'm sure he will love it.


Does he have a name yet?

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Hey guys, I just got some great news! It looks like SHE is doing just fine. She went back to the vet today to pick up her medicine and it looks like the heavy metal levels in her blood are back to normal so no medicines for her.


My cage is coming in tomorrow and as soon as I have it set up, I'm running out to bring Olivia home. I hated the name at first but it's grown on me.


I'll make a new topic and an album as soon as I grab her B)

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