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It has been a while.. an update.


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Hi everyone. I have not posted in a while so I thought I would check in and give you an update on my baby.


Well I guess she is no longer a baby now. Whisper will be 9 mo old tomorrow. She is a sweet and gentle bird who thinks our role in life is to be her personal head scratcher.


I am pleased that she does not show a preference between my husband and I. She seems to love us both even though my husband swears she likes me more.(He's a whiner.)


She can say quite a few things very clearly and a lot that we can't understand yet. She can clearly say: "Are you a good giiiiirl?", "Hello", "Gimme kiss", "Ginger" (our dog),"Good girl!". "Are you a good bird?" She also laughs, whistles and lots of other funny sounds.


She has just recently begun to enjoy the shower. She will now raise her wings and walk into the spray. The shower was something we had to slowly adjust her to as it totally freaked her out at first. Even a spray bottle. So I began taking her into the shower with me a slowly over time got her a little more wet.


Well I have rattled on. Gotta go and put the baby to bed.


Here is a photo taken in July.


http://lanephotography.smugmug.com/gallery/5555163_rY8sE/1/341122297_dCMLk#341122297_dCMLk<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2008/09/02 02:18

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Welcome back Char and thanks for the update on Whisper. She sounds like she is doing just great and talking too, my Josey didn't start talking until she was 1 year old.


Glad to hear she enjoys a shower, wish mine did but at least she will tolerate it and she seems to have bonded with the both of you, lucky for both you and your husband.


She is a good looking grey and of course you take very good pictures, thanks for sharing it with us and don't stay away for so long, we love hearing from you and Whisper.:)

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