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Reading Facial Expressions


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Greetings Everyone!


I haven't had a chance to be on line lately as we've been very busy, but Bella has gone to great lengths to make sure my life is well balanced out with lots of laughs.


To that affect - she's really got me thinking about her being able to read my facial expressions. I haven't found too much literature on it, so maybe some anectodal stories that you may have might help put some puzzle pieces into place:


First - from everything she's doing, I can only conclude that she's a total clown and loves to show off - AND - SHE KNOWS when she's doing it!


When I'm on the phone, or people are over, she comes up with stuff that just makes everyone roll, and when she sees the reaction (I'm assuming) she escalates it! I have no idea where she's picking up some of this stuff - her latest thing is saying "whoop-dee-do!" at the top of her lungs in this sing-song voice and then she goes off after that into a little dance, twirls around, stands on her tipie toes, flaps her wings and then gives a great big kiss :laugh: What a little freak! But anyway - to me, it seems she knows what lauging is...


I was leaning over talking to my greyhound Dream, and so Bella decided to lean over to Dream and she whispered to her and then gave her a kiss! Dream was dumb founded! To me, she can tell I'm giving affection to Dream.


And then of course we have when I'm not too pleased with her: She sits on my laptop screen and tries to pull out the screws on it. I say "NO! NO!" and she goes off on this tangent - bobbing around, going "bing, bing, bing" and then growls at me like a dog! This morning I got fed up with her and took her off my laptop - told her "No!" and put her on the floor - she ran off in the opposite direction and then turned around, came running back towards me and then bit me in the toe and growled like a dog!!!:angry: :angry: :angry: Well that got her time out in her cage - and there she was going down her circus show again, I couldn't help but laugh - my sense is - I bliew it - she knows how to crack me up, and I think she's playing me :blink:


How about you? Been a victim of grey manipulation lately??? :laugh:




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oh boy can they manipulate. My grey Charlie h2as me well and truly trained. When I get him up in the morning I take off his cover saying goodmorning charl, I then go to the cockatiels cage and repeat the process saying goodmorning Cracker. while doing this Charlie does the wall of death round his cage untill let out. He then likes to do his morning toilet all over the floor. Dont mind as its wood floor and easy cleaned, point is its his routine and he has manipulated me to partisipate as he sees fit. I also must feed him first or he would let me know how anoyed he was. He also has his bed time routine of usually doing the wall of death when put in untill I go over to him and tell him to get on his perch for a head scratch. He does this all the time and gives no piece untill its done. I can also tell a mile off if he is in a grumpy mood, Youcan just tell by the look and the attitude. These are just a few thing he does to get me to do his bidding. Who is sauposed to be in charge hear? I am just his slave. Oh and yes he understands everything More than we realise. Why does he laugh at the right times. Why does he say "want some" when i am eating,but only if I am eating certain things. oh boy they are cleaver.

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Hi terri. When Charlie does the wall of death he sort of circles between the cage bars and a perch . I saupose in reality it is a sort of sterio typical behaviour often seen in zoo animals when they are seen pacing back and forth, charlie knows I come running to calm him down so uses it to his advantage. He only does it when getting up or going to bed. He will also play quite happily on his cage when I am in the room but as soon as I leave he flies right to the setee to get the tv remote or chew the setee, he knows I come running to sort him out. He will fly to his cage on command unless something is more interesting. I fell about laughing the other week when I yelled at him to get on the cage and he did, taking the remote with him. theres logic and reason for you.

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lOL got the visual now She - oy vey - it sounds like Charlie and Bella would be quite the pair! How old is Charlie?


Yes Judy - Bella keeps us all in stiches! I'm starting to feel badly for Jiggy, Doc and Dream because they just can't keep up with her! She manages to grab everyone's attention all the time, and she does it in such a funny manner, you can't help but look at her and laugh! And she's interested in EVERYTHING I'm doing - she has to follow me around, get on my shoulder and then hangs over everything I do, observing it with the closest detail! I tell her what I'm doing usually, and you can see those little grey wheels spinning - she then tries to mouth what I'm saying and come up with some wierd usually.


The other day I was interested in what was on TV and she was eating out of my bowl while sitting on my shoulder, I looked over at her and before I could do anything about it, she shoved a piece of chewed up watermelon into my mouth!!!! :sick: :sick: :sick:

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Oh my goodness those are some funny stories!

Today we painted the kitchen, so we moved Klaus down here into the computer room and set up a system with fans so that no paint fumes could come near him. He was quite happy to visit with computer room traffic all day long. Then at dinner time we forgot to move him back. We were settling in when I heard the most pitiful little cry! So of course I had to roll him back to his usual spot near the dinner table and give him some potato and broccoli...

They are something else! LOL

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Hi terri Charlie is 5 years old now. I have had him sinse he was seven months. I got him from a couple who could not cope with him. Funny yesterday. I have been ill for a few days and my dad who is almost 8o brought me a bowl of home made soup around, Charlie was made up to see him and decided to chew his shoes, my Dad moved away and this was Charlies cue to start a game of chase round the living room, Charlie running round the floor as fast as his little grey legs would take him in persuit of my dads shoes.I was not well but was in stitches.

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