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Hi, My name is Debbie. I have a Green wing, 3year old female, named myah and I have recently adopted an abused male Congo, named Greyson. He is ten years old. I have only had him a month. When I first got him, he was so scared that when I asked him to step up, he would start screaming and throw himself on the floor. I always show him the things I do with Myah and now he is much better. When he knows that I am going to ask him to step up, he lifts his foot before I even ask. He is still scared and flaps his wings the whole time i am carrying him. He plucks, but is mostly covered on his front with fluffy feathers. He is mostly just silent. When ever he does make any little chirp noises, I praise him for it. He mostly likes to just be left alone. I got him a big branch off a pear tree and he spends a lot of time shredding that. I figure any time spent on the branch is less time spent pulling out his feathers.

Looking forward to talking to you.... Debbie

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Hello Debbie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Greyson.


I'm so pleased you could find it in your heart to take in an abused grey, not everyone could handle that but with a lot of time and much patience he should turn out to be quite a good companion.


I would imagine he is still a little scared and with much time spent with him he will eventually trust you enough to let his guard down and bond with you. How anyone could abuse one of these awesome creatures is beyond me but he has found a forever home now and that is all that counts.


I would try to include him in as much of the goings on at your home as possible, sit beside his cage and talk or read to him, show him how to play with toys and encourage him to want to be with you. He probably feels safer staying to himself but he won't be able to keep from wanting to get into the middle of things if you make it so appealing to him he can't resist.


Thats great he has a teacher in your green wing, she can help him know what is expected of him and is some company to him, maybe the two of them will become friends in time.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Greyson you would like to share with us we would love to see him and you can post some of Myah in the other birds room if you like.:) :)

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I will try to figure out how to get the pics on. It may take me a day or two. It will be fun having people to talk to though.



Morgan sounds like she/he will be tons of fun and well loved. She is so lucky.


Greyson's original owner actually hit him and knocked him of his perch, screamed and threw things at him. So I have a lot to make up to him for his past. I can't for the life of me, figure out why someone would do that. He is a nice little bird. All he does is chews his branches, eats, and naps. He will try to bite, but who could blame him. He steps up on a perch for me. I have not tried it with my hand yet. He has let me scratch his head a couple times, but then he tries to bite me. Oh, well. I can be patient.

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daludlum wrote:

Oh, well. I can be patient.


And that is exactly what you need to be is patient since he has had a very unpleasant past with an abusive owner.


For help in posting photos we have a topic in the FAQ section that tells how to do just that, please read thru it for help.

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Welcome Debbie, Greyson and Myah!!!


Rescuing is such a wonderful and rewarding path to take. :-)


It sounds like you are already making progress with Greyson. He is learning what a real home filled with love and commitment is like. I am positive he will continue to flourish under your care.


Looking forward to hearing more of his progress. :-)

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It was so nice of all of you to welcome us!!!

We got Greyson a new cage and last night was his first night in it. This morning he came right over to me and stuck his head against the bars for a head scratch!!!A little more progress.


Looking forward to learning about your birds! Debbie

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HI and welcome to the forum. I guess Greyson was thanking you for that new cage:)and all the love hes been getting this last month. I adopted a 12 year old neglected CAG about 6 weeks ago. He was cage bound and not handled so I love to hear it when another bird gets saved and know they will be loved. I have found it very rewarding. Keep up the good work. It sounds like progress is already being made. Look forward to hearing more.

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Debbie you can entice Greyson to come out of his cage with some toys or a treat. Get down on the floor and play with a few foot toys and let him see how much fun you are having and he will soon want to come out and see for himself. As he comes out and interacts with you it will show him that he can enjoy himself and being with you. Right now he feels that the cage is his safe place and that is fine but he will soon find out that time out of the cage can be fun and rewarding for him.

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I have been letting Greyson stay is his cage, like you guys suggested... I leave his door open. He seems really happy, but seems he doesn't have nothing else to worry about he pulled all his chest feathers out again and his one long red tail feather. The only one he had. He seems perfectly content though. Eating good, etc...Now I'm the one that's depressed.

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Debbie don't be depressed, but at least don't show it to Greyson as he will pick up on it and act on it.


Did you try playing with some toys where he can see you, act real interested in them and offer treats to entice him out of his cage.


Some birds that get into plucking it becomes a cycle that is hard to turn around, you might have to accept a naked bird but don't react to the plucking, just ignore it for he will pick up on your reactions and do it more.

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I don't say anything to him about it. I do give him a spay bath with aloe water everyday. While I am doing that, I tell him that his feathers are beautiful and the water will help him feel good. He makes little chirp noises when I play with the toys, but if I offer them to him he starts biting his toenails. He likes cheerios, but not enough to come out and get them. He doesn't mind if I put my hands in the cage, to play with toys, change food, and water... just don't try to get him out.

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Well remember that they can read our facial expressions and actions so even though you don't say anything to him when he plucks he may be sensing something from your actions.


Just continue to do what you are doing, leaving his door open when you are home and he will come out in his own good time. He feels safe in his cage and until he feels more comfortable in your home he will continue to stay where he feels safer.

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