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compatabiliy of birds


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I have a rescue Congo Grey. He is a ten year old male. He is very quiet and scared. He has made a lot of progress here and I think he is happy.

My question is.. I am thinking of getting a baby Timneh. Would it be better to get a male or female? I don't want to males having to compete in any way, (or thinking they do,) but I also don't want the two to decide they want to mate if I get a female. Would it be an ok thing to get another Grey or better to think about getting a different kind of parrot?? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Debbie

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Hi Debbie, it does not matter which sex you get, even if you got a female the chances they would ever mate are slim to none and if you had two males they won't be competing against each other.


I hope you don't think you may be able to put them both in the same cage for greys do not usually get along with each other unless they are raised together. You would still need a separate cage for each and you may not be able to have them out together on a playstand but then again they may do just fine.


Just remember if you do go ahead and get another grey that the first one there needs to come first in everything so he knows his place, the first one fed, bathed, let out of the cage and so forth.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your grey, like what is his name?

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No, I would sure not be putting a baby and my 10 year old in the same cage. His name is Greyson and I will try to figure out how to go to the page you told me to.


I just don't want him getting his hormones all up if a female is in the house. I didn't know if that would happen or not.

Thanks for the info. Debbie

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I thought that, but then on a different site, I saw that someone said they had a Congo-Timneh cross... I thought that was weird, but you never know.


So basically I will just tell, the breeder I want a friendly, happy, Timneh baby and take what i get and not worry about male/female????

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