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Little brat won't step up


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Now, I've been trying to teach Nicky to step up for weeks! And he knows EXACTLY what I mean when I hold out my hand and say step up while offering a sunflower seed with my other hand. How do I know he knows? Because the instant he sees me in that position, he moves away, starts ostentatiously cleaning his feet and completely ignores both the hand and the seed. I KNOW it's an act, because one time he did this, he had a bit of apple stuck to his foot. Five minutes of cleaning later, the apple was still on his foot!


The little brat just doesn't want to step up! I don't want to force him, whether with my hand or with a stick, but how on earth do I get him to step up like this? He's not comfortable with me touching him anywhere except his beak or feet, so I can't pet him instead of offering treats. Perverse little monkey :S

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Your right, he is exercising his wishes by not complying. At those times, he does not wish to step up. Sometimes, if there is no reason to make them step up, it is good to let them have their way and just leave them be.


If you must have him step up to move him from danger or put him back in his cage etc. Thats when you must persist until he steps up or is forced to do so. I would use only the hand. A perch or stick just adds confusion to the mix and may alarm him.


If you normally use your hand, then always use your hand. If you are certain he is going to bite while you are demanding him to step up, ball your hand into a fist and bend it down to tighten the skin on the back of your hand. He will not be able to get a good bite while you force your hand under him and make him step up.


If he his VERY bent on not complying, come in with your other hand behind him while keeping him busy with the hand in front. Push under him from behind and he will half to step backwards and up onto your hand. After doing this several times, he will learn when you are demanding a step or just asking if he wishes to.


They are highly intelligent and will understand the tonal flucuational changes in your voice between the two, command or question. :-)

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Dan has offered you great advice,i will just add..



If your bird is not receptive, start training in a room out of sight of your bird’s cage. Less familiar surroundings are likely to improve cooperation.

Pick a relaxed time with no distractions – a bird that is preening or eating is not going to be very receptive to training.

Practice in short, frequent sessions

Use lots of positive reinforcement; never hit or scream at your bird.

Always end your training session on a positive note, if your bird is struggling wait for a successful try, reward your bird lavishly, and move on to something else :)

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Thanks for the advice! So far I haven't needed to get him in the cage urgently (but the day will probably come) I would really like him to step up voluntarily though, because there's no other way I can bring him around the house except by moving his whole cage (!) and he's missing out on interaction like this. Should I just keep offering my hand every now and then, and see if he changes his mind?

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Yes, in a nutshell.


As I said above: "If he his VERY bent on not complying, come in with your other hand behind him while keeping him busy with the hand in front. Push under him from behind and he will half to step backwards and up onto your hand. After doing this several times, he will learn when you are demanding a step or just asking if he wishes to."


Once you have successfully on your hand, bring the other hand up and make him practice several repetitions of steps ups. Do this several times a day.


Once you stop the step ups, just let him hang out on your hand or Arm. The closer interactions will come once you have accomplished this. :-)

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Well, Nicky knew exactly what I was doing and gave me two nasty nips. Here's an account of how he outsmarted me twice in a row!


1) I started by offering a sunflower seed over my hand as usual. This time, he wanted the seed, but he didn't want my hand! So what did that little brat do but put a nice dent in the offered hand, then grab for the sunflower seed the instant I jerked back...oh, and he got the seed. I was left nursing my finger.


2) All right, if you're going to be that way! After the bite stopped throbbing I held out my hand again, sans sunflower seed. Nicky gave me a very slimy look and backed off. I moved my other hand up behind him...and instead of stepping up, he snaked his head back under his wing and nailed me in the thumb. Then he lunged at the hand in front!


At that point I decided I'd lost this round and removed myself, along with all the sunflower seeds. The brat has me beat...for now. :evil:

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