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6 weeks with Baxter~Progress report :)


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I've had Baxter about 6 weeks now. Time has just flown by. I love him so much and he just warms my heart so much:kiss:


As many of you know Baxter is 12 years old, was cage bound and wasn't handled when I brought him home. I think he had a pretty depressing life up to this point.


I first want to thank everyone who has helped me and given their advice so I could know what to do with him and take care of him properly. Couldn't have done it without you guys! And I want to share all the progress we have made together.


He first learned to step up and he caught on to that pretty easily. In the beginning I could only touch his head and a little on his neck. The first big step was him putting his head down for me to scratch it and that was probably the first week but once he realized he was being petted it seemed like he would jerk up real fast and stop everything. I can now pet him all over his body, his wings, his tail and a few nights ago he even let me rub his belly real good. That was a biggie for him because he used to panick at first when I would touch his belly. He's still not too sure about it.


He didn't know how to play with toys and with everyones guidance we have play time almost every night. He used to just go around or side step his toys and now he is grabbing them and tossing them. Mostly the bells and chains. Since he is starting to enjoy them I have been putting small toys on the top of his cage. He used to ignore them but little by little he is going to them and playing a little bit. I bought him a cheap little toy the other day that you can either put favorite treats on or small woodend toys. It's like a shishkabob thing. I put small wooden toys on it and he played with that thing all by himself for about 2 hours straight yesterday. I was worried that he would only play with toys with me around but he is past that now, too. :) He loves the simple leather straps and ropes. I tie knots in them and he works hard on getting them out:) . I have noticed when we play with toys he gets all excited. Then he puts his head down for a quick rub, then out of the blue he just tries to bite me. It's like he has all these different emotions on whether he wants to play, be loved or be mean and they all hit at once. But overall, the toys scenaro is going good. Little by little.


He is learning to fly now. I take him down from his cage a few times a day and let him just flap his wings. He enjoys it and I have been encouraging it. He hangs onto my finger for dear life and I aim him towards the couch for a soft landing. Thats how it started. He wasn't confident enough to let go of my finger and I thought that was cute because it showed he needs me and he depends on me. Now, there has been several occassions where he just flies off and back towards his cage. He can't go very far and he's not graceful yet but he is getting better every day and I am so proud of him.


The other night I had him on my lap and the phone rang. I got up, he was on my arm at that time but he took off flying towards his cage. He went all the way and landed on the side of it. He grabbed it with his beak, then his feet, then while the phone was still ringing, he released his beak from the cage and said "Hello" That was a great moment:) for us.


I mess with him in the afternoons and evenings most because that is when he is more open to doing new things. In the mornings he really doesn't want to be messed with and will only tolerate me at those times so I let him be. He's not a morning bird.


He is talking more and more. Learning new words. He doesn't make as many sound effects anymore:( and I miss them. He says my dogs name all the time. My dog totally ignores him:whistle: He talks with me around usually in the afternoons and evenings. That seems to be his happiest times. He rarely talks in front of my husband and I wish he would because I want to share all Baxters moments with him but right now it is pretty much just with me.


He's is coming along so good. He's not the most tame tame bird and it still seems like he is edgy about things but I think he is happier than he has ever been. He might be leary of things but he's always willing to try what ever I have in store for him. That's all for now. Thanks for listening to me.

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Wow what a report and I don't mean just the length but the depth of what you have accomplished with Baxter in just 6 weeks, that is totally amazing.


You certainly have done wonders with him and believe me 6 weeks is nothing, a lot of other people would have taken them 6 months or 6 years to do what you have done in just 6 weeks.


I am glad that we are a little part of the life you share with Baxter but the credit goes to you Erika, you are the one who worked with him to get him to where he is today and I am so proud of you. You serve as an inspiration to others who face a similar situation, you can do it if you want to bad enough.


I know I enjoy listening to your stories of Baxter and the great strides you are achieving with him so keep em coming, you go girl.:)<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2008/08/31 02:26

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Erika this is just wonderful for both you and Baxter, I can only imagine what you have and are going through, you have done wonders, you are truly an inspiration to all that adopt an older bird.


You are doing great, and if all goes as plans I will get the meet this amazing grey Baxter and his amazing Mom in just 3 weeks. I can't wait


Carolyn & Mika

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Fantastic Job! I am so glad you gave baxter a good home, and I am sure he is too! He sounds like he's quickly coming around, and I think the love you've shown him and the care you've taken of him shows through, he sounds like he's starting to accept you as one of his flock! :)


Keep up the excellent work, and keep us all updated, I want to hear about everything!

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What a great summation of Baxters progress over only six weeks Erika. :-)


You have done such a good job in working with him and allowing him space and time to become comfortable in his new home filled with new flock members. It sounds like he is truly blossoming in this fun and loving environment.


Just wait until he lets his hair down and you see the real Baxter. :-)

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danmcq wrote:

truly blossoming in this fun and loving environment.


Just wait until he lets his hair down and you see the real Baxter. :-)


I can't wait untill Baxter lets his hair down so I can see the real him!!! I wish I could see a year in the future to see how we are doing and what our lives are like then.

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Baxter is doing really good. I have another question now. I know it might be kind of early but Baxter is not a snuggly or lovey dovey type bird and i was just wondering if other peoples greys are loving and snuggly to them? Since Baxter hasn't really had any handling I wonder if he ever will be loving like that or if it's not a grey trait at all?


The conure we just got is a super duper love bug. He wants to be on either one of us all day long, under our chins or hanging on our collars. Huge difference from him and Baxter. Will Baxter ever be as friendly or clingy as Bonkers our conure? Not sure I would want him to be that loving but I would like a little snuggling with him every now and then:)


Also, I have been putting Baxter on my shoulder every now and then. He can sit on my shoulder just fine but he can not keep his balance if I was to get up or walk like he can if he's on my fingers. Will he learn to balance better?

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You should be proud of yourself you have done so much with him in such a short time. The head scrach/bite is a sucker punch. Alex does this too. I can tell when it's going to happen by how he holds his head. If it's just down he really wants a scratch. But if it's down and turned like he is looking at something on the floor he is going to bite. I have turned this into a game with him. It's not truely a bite because they use thier beaks like hands. So when he does this I gently shake his head back and forth and say Aaaaaaaaah. He laughs or does his own version of the sound. :cheer:

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We must have posted at the same time! Yes Baxter will learn balance on your sholder. It just takes time just like anything else. As you have only had Baxter for 6 weeks I would give him some time yet. He may come around and want the cuddles. Don't expect it to often but he may. Even Alex has his days where he is totally not interested in cuddling. Other days he is like velcro birdy and I can't get him off!

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I can relate to the conure being snuggly and wanting to be on you all day, thats describes Sunny to a tee, but I doubt that Baxter will ever be that clingy as most greys are not that much of snuggle bugs like conures. Some of the members here have greys that do like to do a fair amount of cuddling but there are a whole lot who do not, sometimes you just have to take what you get.


What you have done with Baxter is an inspiration to us all and I thank you so much for sharing him with us.

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Thanks everyone for the encourageing words. I think we are doing very good in a short amount of time but I must confess I have been neglecting everything esle. I have been so involved in Baxter especially the first month. Shame on me for that too. I have to get caught up again on so much.:laugh:


I had to laugh at what Suzzique said...that Baxter was giving me sucker punches.:laugh: That's exactly what he was doing. How dare he??? His head was down but it was tilted too. I guess he is turning into a real comedian now too. :ohmy:


Thanks for the answers on the snuggly lovely dovey question. Being snuggly is something I can take or leave really. I would like him to show a little more affection in time but no rush on it. Plus, Bonkers the conure gives enough love all day long so I will not be lacking at all. It's kind of a relief that he probably won't be that snuggly.


As for Baxter riding on the shoulder I'm glad he will learn that eventually. We have so much going on it seems and new stuff happens everyday so it's no biggie. I just can't believe the difference when Bonkers is on me I can do anything and he stays on. I can practically do jumping jacks and can't shake him. With Baxter I make a slight movement and he's like "Whoaaa"


And Carolyn...she said she was going to be in my area in a few weeks and might stop by if all goes well. I told Baxter that and he said he can't wait to meet her. He is sooooo excited about it. :woohoo: We are looking forward to it so much. We hope you can make it because not only does Baxter want to meet you, I do too and so does Bonkers!



I love Hrunds stories of Nokvii, too. It reminds me so much of bringing Baxter home so keep the posts coming! I love reading yours, too.



I didn't know me and Baxter were inspriration (I'm honored) and I will be glad to share all our stories, accomplishments and set backs, too. When I first joined I wrote a few blogs but then thought they were silly so I took them down. I think now I am going to start blogging again and everyone can keep track of our ups & downs. I know it helps me when I read other peoples stories so perhaps I can help others, too. I don't know if anyone noticed but I love to write;) ...Can you tell? :laugh: So blogging would be great for me to do and keep track of Baxters accomplishments and share my concerns. And if anyone sees any red flags or have comments or suggestions please feel free to send me a PM or email.


I appreciate all you guys.

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Well, what can I say. you have done a fantastic job in a short time. Baxter will repay you ten fold for giving him a good home and all the love and attention lavished on him. As with all things Grey slowley does it, Building Baxters confidence is everything and you are getting their. Remember not all greys are cuddle bunnies.My Charlie will enjoy a head scratch when he wants one and lets me know in no uncertain terms if he doesent.I think Baxter and youself have done so well.

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