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A podcast would be cool. :-)


Actually, there are also some forums that have audio streaming capabilities that I have belonged to in the past. User can be allowed the microphone, one at a time and others can post text while you are speaking. It gives the speaker real-time feedback on questions the listening audience has and you can also see what the hecklers have to say textually also. :-)


It is a great interactive tool that serves it's purpose well in an organized manner that truly allows a real conversation, debate etc.


There are several forums with this capability covering a wide variety of topics and I have never seen it used in regards Parrots. Most are religious, political type debate and commentary forums I finally tired of due to the heated and sometimes ignorant debates I was involved in. It would be a much better environment with Parrot lovers just wanting the best for their Masters delight. :-)

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I would love to hear your Accent Siobha. It adds flare to the commentator. :-)


Actually, everyone can participate in these. You just raise your hand in these seesions if you want to speak and if the long winded speaker ;-) decides to give up the platform, they may do so. :P

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I think that it could be cool. What would reall y be sweet is if we could have some well respected vets or breeders call in. Even some rescue shelters. I would definitely get on board for that. Like I said in my intro I do production. I can mix and master everything down and make it sound as professional as possible.<br><br>Post edited by: pugnacious, at: 2008/08/31 19:30

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Talon wrote:

Judy, download skype, it's free. Then you will need a headset/microphone.


That's basically it. We could do it bi-weekly probably on a Sunday night as that is when most people are off. We could read topics from this forum. Just something's that caught your eye or something that a lot of people have questions about. Like I said, have some well respected avian vets or rescue groups call in. Talk and little laugh a little. And just spread the love. Even if the admin doesn't get on board we can still have some of our senior members chat it up a bit.<br><br>Post edited by: pugnacious, at: 2008/09/01 06:04

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But we want you to be able to participate, not just listen to it later. Depending on who is interested maybe we can find a time when the least number of participants are inconvenienced but then that is anothe way of saying a happy medium, duh.


I want to hear an Irish accent:whistle: :P;):)

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We need to come up with a time, and day, and a plan of what we would like to discuss. Perhaps just an informal one to start where we could all meet and giggle at all the different accents. Then we could come up with a topic for our 2nd podcast discussion.

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You guys are awesome. I think that we should just do an unofficial first episode just to get everyone on the same page and get all the meet and greet out of the way. I'm available from 5pm to 12am daily. I am on call every 5th week but that's not a problem either as I don't really plan to be doing much talking just editing. Maybe some one else record it and just send me the file and I can edit it down. I wanna be on there for the first episode so I can kinda direct you guys and get everything that we need. Just send me a PM if you want to be on it regularly and I'll come up with some type of script and we can go from there and get every one's input.

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