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older grey and new home, how to gain trust

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Ive owned a grey before, and everything was great with him. Since a divorce a while back, I purchased a grey that is 10 years old and I am male and it prefers women. My girlfriend is scared to death of him, and he loves her. I sit and try to talk to him in his cage, but I cannot seem to gain her trust. The only time I can get her to step up is if she comes out of the cage and goes to the floor. I do everything to make sure she eats right and spend lots of time just talking to her, but she refuses to step up. Ive had her for over two weeks, am I expecting too much, too soo. Thanks

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Hello and welcome


I´m new here too and am trying to get my grey to bond with me too. I read somewhere a story about a man (I have a goldfish memory and can´t remember if this was here or in a book) that had this same problem. His grey bonded with his wife but was afraid of men. He changed his voice when he talked with the bird, so he sounded more like a woman. Falsetto, isn´t that what you call it in english? And spoke to the bird that way every day, in a soft low voice. He also fed it with treats and played with it and with time the bird accepted him.

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Hi ccgreen

Welcome to the grey forum. Congratulations on your new grey. An older grey will take time to learn to trust you, sometimes a lot of time. Do you know anything about its previous home (s)? It is possible that he may have had a bad experience with a man at sometime in the past. Either ways 2 weeks is very soon in a 10 year olds life, one thing you will learn with a grey is patience and lots of it.

You are doing great by sitting by his cage and talking to him;) . If there is a treat that he prefers ensure you are the only one to give him that treat.

We look forward to hearing more about him, his name etc and we would love to see some pictures:)



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Welcome ccgreen!!


It's good having you here. AS others have said, time and patience is the main ingredient here. If the grey takes to your girl friend, it might be good if she could overcome her fear and enjoy the Grey. This could be a quicker path for you to gain the trust of the him. It just depends.


Not knowing the history and how well he was socialized, time spent out of cage etc, it's hard to really say much.


We have many members here with tons of experience that will chime in as you continue to post more details on your grey. :-)

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Hello Ccgreen1994 and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this 10 year old grey. Does this grey have a name?


It would sure help if you knew about some of hispast life and owners but if you don't then only lots of time and much patience is what will work here and I assure you 2 weeks is nothing in dealing with a grey.


He may have had a bad experience with a male before so that may explain why he is acting this way around you but some greys do prefer one sex over another and this may very well be the case here. Please do not give up on this grey, he may have chosen your girlfriend as his favorite but it does not mean you cannot have a good relationship with him just not like the one with her. Greys do pick their favorite person and there is not much you can do about that.


Since you have owned a grey before then you already know more than a lot of members who come here looking for advice but please read thru many of the threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of this grey you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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:) Hi. Two weeks is no time in the grey trust game. Depending on the birds history it could take months. It sounds as if you are doing ok if the bird will step up from the floor, but take it slow. If she takes treats from you that is also a very good start.Keep talking to her and making her life sweet. She will come round.
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