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Green beans!


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My favorite way to prepare fresh green beans is to cook them in a little water, just enough that will cook out by the time they are done, with about 1 to 2 teaspoons of bacon grease for about 40 minutes, season to taste with salt and pepper. I have some fresh ones from the garden right now and boy are they good:)

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If you have a suitable play gym or stand set up you can just hang the beans on cotton cords. I use 3/16 inch diameter. I hang all kinds of stuff this way. Your bird will soon learn how to pull the cords up. With Misty it seems that the fact he has to work for his food makes the whole experience more rewarding for him. New things or things he otherwise ignores seem to be much more interesting to him. I hang corn cobs by boring through the core and threading through. I also hang rolled up newspaper and he will spend ages ripping it up. Does he make a mess with this ? You bet! But if you don't like mess don't live with a parrot!


misty_corn3.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2008/08/30 13:22


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Great idea mistyparrot. :-)


Dayo eats green beans fresh or cooked. But, as with many foods, he only eats them if he's in the mood. One day he'll eat them, the next not. Greys seem to be this way with many foods. It's almost as if they eat what their body/system tells them they need that day. The exception to this of course, is favorites like nuts and fruits. :-)

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Boy I really blew it on this one, that is my favorite way to prepare fresh green beans but not for Josey, everyone is so right, no salt and no fat for the birds and if they will eat them raw then so much the better, ten lashes with a wet noodle for me:blush: :whistle: :ohmy:

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