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Are you ever really ready?


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We were awoken early this morning 2a.m. by firemen telling us to leave the house due to the neighbor 2 doors down house was on fire, cars had to be moved from the driveways immediately.

Hubbie grabbed keys and the dog moved one car, I rounded up cat, he returned to get the cat and move the second car.

That left me with one very very upset, scared bird- with the lights flashing in the windows and all the noise he was truly terriorized growling and shreeking.

He has been in the carrier a few times before but still it had never been under threatning situation, and he was already scared.

As scared as I was decided to grad his towel, grab him wrap him in the towel and put him and the towel in my pyjames top. Grabbed the carrier and we left.

He was screaching and very upset with all that was going on.

We went to a neighbors up the street to try and settle him and get him into his carrier, went into a quite bathroom and sitting on the floor started to unwrap him, he was going to have nothing to do with a carrier and wanted to hang on to me. I borrowed a sweat top and decided to just carry him close to me so he could feel the warmth and hear he talking to him, even if he was tucked under it, between the top and my skin. There he stayed for the next 2 hours travelling with me.

Everything was under control and we were able to return to our house, let Mika out of his sweat shirt cage he settled very well back on to the top of his cage and with in a half an hour was eating and talking jibberish and telling you all about his newest experience.


This incident turned out to be all right, but it really made me wonder are we ready when things just happen. Please think about this and don't live in the myth that "it won't happen to me" plan a escape route not only for your family but who will take the responcibility of getting the bird or birds out, and then where do you go.


Carolyn & Mika

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WOW! What a story, you must have been so scared for your baby. I am really glad you shared this story with us. It is a good wake up call for all of us to be prepared in the event we have to leave our homes quickly.

Karma for you! Thank you!!! :cheer:

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What a wake call!!


It's great to hear everything turned out well and Mika is back to normal in no time. They do pick up our feelings and also the strange noises and flashing lights you described. Your Grey was a frightened and alarmed as you. The clinging to you was for safety and security in your most loving arms. When emergencies like that happen, everyone pulls together and does what they must to get out of a dangerous situation.


You did well and thank you for reminding us all that we should always be prepared and also have our birds and other animals used to going into crates or other modes of safely transporting to another location. :-)

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Oh my Carolyn! Hope you got some sleep! :S


Glad to hear everything is ok.


Kim and I have been thinking about just that. Loki's cage is right near our fire alarm speaker, I've already started covering it with a taped-on book lol, it's deafeningly loud, so I hope Loki handle's it ok if it goes off. The joys of living in a condo, it goes off once every month or so for testing and such.. :S

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Glad everything turned out ok and everyone is safe. That sounded very scary. I'm so glad you shared that story. I am definately goint to get an emergency plan figured out now before one happens and we are not ready. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. It was sweet that Mika turns to you for comfort and security. I think he loves you as much as you love him.

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