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Moody Grey


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I have a 6 month old female CAG Indy. Like most greys she too has an attitude bit recently she has become a little distant. When she is in her cage she faces the opposite way, doesnt want to play (I have ordered some new toys also!) and is generally moody.


Any advice welcome!





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This is a little puzzling to me and her being just 6 months old is unusual but has anything changed in her home, any new people, furniture, new clothes or whatever, sometimes a change will make them act differently. If not then maybe it is a time for a checkup by an avian vet, maybe she is feeling poorly.


Is she eating and drinking normally and getting her proper amount of sleep? Maybe some of the more experienced grey members will have some better ideas for I am stumped at the moment.:huh:

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That is sad, and like judy said, kind of confusing. Greys can spook easily, and the slightest environmental change can be extremely upsetting to them (They're foragers, and being prey birds, they have to be extra careful to be on the lookout for changes to their environment, lest a predator sneak up and eat them)


I guess my only advice would be to, without crowding the bird or being too overly aggressive and pushy, try to engage her by talking to her, maybe showing her some of her favorite toys (nothing new), and just generally being there and being reliable for her. Might be kind of worthless advice I guess, but I don't think it would HURT anything...

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Hello Nims-

How long has she been acting like this and how long have you had her? Did you perhaps do something to anger her recently?

Yes, greys can have off days just like people do- sometimes they just need a little break and perhaps a little more sleep than they are getting and then they will be back to normal again.

I'd try sitting by her cage and reading a story or just talking to her about your day. Offer her a favorite treat and then give her some time to work it out. Is she by some chance getting less attention lately than what she is used to? A 6 month old grey should be full of energy and curiosity of what's going on around her. Give her a day or two and let us know how things proceed, that's my advice anyway. If she keeps it up you may want to check with a vet like Judy said- could be that something is wrong with her health.

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Hi all,


Thanks for the advice. I have enticed her with her fave treat and she seems to be enjoying it. I have had her for two months now and its the first time she has been like this. She might be missing my other half as he works away alot. I will take it slow and keep you all posted.


Many Thanks



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Nims you said in another post that you will be moving. Will this be happening soon? Have you started to bring in boxes to start packing etc? Maybe that is what has set her off. If not she could just be having an off day or as you said missing your husband.

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