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black bugs in water dish


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I have a TAG and i have been finding little black bugs in her water dish. Can anyone tell me what they are and should i be concerned. I need to take her to get her nails trimmed and will ask the vet. Just thought I'd ask in this forum if anyone knows anything about it. thanks

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Depend's what kind of bug's they are. I've been having problems with ants.. ON ALL my animals good and water. Stupid little things are getting on my nerves. Didn't bother with it much except whiping them up. Little bugger's should learn ;O Maybe take one into your vet when you go and ask.

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Kayla6 welcome here B) Only in the waterdish? And what happens if you put a dish with water in the area of the cage? (This to conclude if they're flying bugs or creeping ones... )

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Guest Monique

Black bugs!!!! EEEEWWWWWWWW!!! :sick: Are you by chance feeding her seed? If you feed seed you need to FREEZE it first because there can be little critters in there!! Then if she is washing her food in her dish ... WALA ... little black bugs. :P

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Lidia


You freeze seed? I've never done that and never seen any sort of bugs. Hmmm.



Are you sure your TAG isn't suffering some kind of infestation herself? She may be removing the bugs from herself and dunking them in the water, OR, are you putting something in the water that is perhaps attracting the bugs?


Either way, bleaaagh. Poor TAG!:sick:

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  • 1 month later...

well i now have bugs everywhere. need an exterminator , 3 times in 2 years. i just can't afford this. does anyone know how i can keep the bugs out of their food. and is there anything safe for birds on the market to exterminate with. i've been cleaning cages, toys, i threw all food away. i really got it bad..

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Are you sure it is coming from the food (that is common)? If so, one thing to do is keep the food in the freezer (if storing) and the "in-use" food in the fridge. The cool air prevents the bug larvae from developing (or at least slows them down A LOT) and can work wonders if you can make the space in your fridge. You also need to look at where you are getting the food(s) from. Perhaps the way the vendor stored it etc makes it really prone to bugs and you need to change vendors? It is true that at some time or another we all will get some foods infested with bugs. That is part of the deal. In fact, most of us have had bugs in other human foods (like flower, rice etc). They get into many grains/seeds that are stored. These are the best things I can think of to deal with it. ;) Regarding a safe chemical, no matter what you do you must be really careful around the bird due to its efficient cardiovascular system and small size. Generally any chemicals should only be applied with the bird out of the home and then only brought in after sufficient airing out has occurred.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/25 03:36

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