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Clever birdie


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Alex being only a year old doesn't do much that is really clever. He likes to untie knots unscrews quick links. I would have to say that the cleverest thing he has done was when I was painting the kitchen. We have a beaded curtain over the doorway so that he can't fly into the kitchen. He really wanted me so he climed down the side of his cage to the floor. He then walked under the beaded curtain so that he could get to me. He had me laughing so hard I couldn't be mad at him!


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Alex is a smart grey, thanks for sharing that with us Suzzique, btw I think your screen name is so cool.


The cleverist thing that Josey has done so far is say shut up at the most appropriate time. Sunny, my sun conure likes to scream sometimes and she was in her cage doing just that and my hubby and I were watching TV and all of a sudden Josey said shut up to Sunny, I laughed so hard at that one.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Thanks! Yes I think he is pretty smart. :)


Thanks on my name also! :) My name is Suzanne and I was called Suziq a lot so when it was time to pick an email addy and screen name Suzzique was the only spelling that I could get. I've been using it for 13 years now. :D

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Mika is only 5 months old, but he has found that to annoy the cat (who completely ignores him) but likes to sleep under the cage, Mika drops plastic water bottle caps on his head. He looks over when he is on his playgym spots the cat and rushes over to get the caps. This is so funny to watch, but the cat still goes back and has not learned if he just backed up a little Mika would not be able to see him. But to watch Mika check all sides to see if the cat is there is very funny. If hes not oh well back to other things.


Carolyn & Mika

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Well, most Greys do many things that makes us go :ohmy:


One of the many that stands out and is, clever, funny and amazingly illustrative of their intelligence of cause and effect:


We were training Dayo to "Go Poop" when we take him out of his Cage, place him on a stand and expect him to do so. He picked it up in just a few days and does it on command.


A few weeks later after learning this, he was sitting up on a high perch one afternoon, looked down at my wife standing under him and told her to "Go Poop", then he watched the floor to see if anything "Dropped". :-)


My wife, for some reason, did not comply. :P

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Baxter is starting to talk in context and I think it's pretty clever. We got a new conure that we named Bonkers and Bonkers took off flying where I didn't want him to go one day. I was a bit excited. I guess Baxter picked up on it and as I was chasing after it Baxter kept saying "Knock It Off! Knock It Off!" all excited, too:laugh: He also watches our Dog Jackson alot and goes to the end of his cage from the top and says "Jackson Come Ere"

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Yes, I love reading these kind of stories too. Here's one more. Baxter has just learned a new word. It's "uh huh" (as in yes) Well, I tell him I love him all the time. He never says it back though,I say "I Love You" and he just says "uh huh". Like Ya I know. He will take the love but won't commit:P<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/08/27 16:22

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Razzy has done quite a few things that took me aback.

One I can remember is I was getting ready for prom and he was watching me on the shower curtain. I got my dress on and was primping when he said "Look sharp!" Laughed my butt off.:laugh:

Also, he reminds me to let the dogs out with a random "Go outside?" every once in awhile.

Lastly, when we go to clip his nails, he runs around on the floor yelling "No no! Help!", which is sad, but funny at the same time. I just was surprised that he correlated something not fun with saying "No" and "Help". We never said those words to him directly.

Greys are so much fun. Be assured you will have moments like we are all describing, probably when you least expect it.<br><br>Post edited by: Missa818, at: 2008/08/27 22:43

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Just yesterday my husband was out on the balcony talking on the phone. Makena could see him out there from his cage. So he climbed off his cage, managed to climb up the bed, walk across the bed, get up on the pillow, and edge himself onto the window sill where he paced until my hubby came back inside! LOL

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