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language to use


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Hello everyone :)


I really love this forum, there is so much information stored here. I´m trying to look at old threads so that I can use old answers. One thing I haven´t found here on the forum. I´m wondering what language to use with my TAG Nökkvi that I´ve just had for few days.

I´m from Iceland and my boyfriend is from Sweden, together we speak english. We tend to speak our native languages to our animals so they hear both icelandic and swedish and sometimes english. I´m wondering if this will confuse Nökkvi? He was born in Britain and if I understand right lived there for maybe one or two years. He is 6 years old now and has lived in Iceland for the rest of the time. Should we pick just one language to talk to him in? Which language do you think would be best?


Any advice welcome :P


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It doesn't matter i don't think I've heard of a few Grey's that are biligal and I'm sure if you throw a third one in there he will end up trilingal LOL they are very intellegent and will learn what you teach them With language its like teaching your child to talk some children are raised with two languages its the same thing for your grey

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So we may have a bilingual grey in the making ;) As you both speak English, i would perhaps start with this as common ground for the three of you.If you are giving Nokkvi specific commands, such as the "step up " command it needs to be clear what you are asking of him.Perhaps later on add a few Icelandic/Swedish hello's etc..once he has mastered his first language :)

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I would imagine as long as you are consistent with your labeling of objects (using only one language for each object or action) she shouldn't get confused. If you are telling her "step up" in English, then Icelandic, then Swedish, well, anyone would get confused. You can probably use all three languages but I doubt she can learn each language's word for one object. Perhaps I am underestimating though... :-)

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We have a bilingual grey, he speaks Swedish and English. We just speak our native languages to him and he seems to pick it up and I really think he knows what one word is in another language. He says "good boy" in English and then straight afterwards he says it in Swedish. At the moment he is much better at Swedish than English.

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Hi what a fantastic oportunity for your Grey to pick up words in different languages. As for the confusion issue, just make sure any comands given Ie step up, down ect are given in one consistant language.I would also lable things in one language such as nice bath when you are showering your bird or toast if giving a bit of toast ect.I see no harm in teaching words or phraises in other languages.

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We speak English in our house, but we have certain things we would always say to our greys (and our children) in Irish. They wouldnt know the phrase in English and don't know that it's any different. I never use the English equivalent though as it would confuse them. Liath has a few phrases in Irish;)

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Nice to hear about the way you use different languages. We will of course be careful with using the same words when teaching him something. I´m not sure about him being able to talk, he hasn´t talked at all so far only whistles and makes other sounds. If he doesn´t know how to talk by now isn´t it unlikely that he ever will?

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If you have only had your bird a few days it is still getting used to you and its environment. It will take time for it to settle down and start talking. I am not sure how old your bird is but some greys dont start talking till around 12 months old. Some never talk at all but most do. Even if talking never happens, Greys are amazing birds anyway.

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Yes he is still getting used to us, he is 6 years old and half tamed. I think it´s going to take a while with him. He doesn´t know many things, for instance he has no clue about stepping up, we´ve been trying with him but I don´t think it´s going to work out until he trusts us more.

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Give him time, lots of time. At six he is still a young bird. My grey is around the same age. Maybe try getting him to step up on to a stick first, when he is more settled. Keep giving him treats by hand and talking to him

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