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Update on Baxters & playing with toys


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I posted a previous thread because Baxter didn't know how to play with toys. This is an update on him. I have been working with him daily and he will really tear up those bells and balls now and just whip them all over the place:woohoo: . It is so fun to watch. I've only noticed him playing when I initiate it. Once I start he is ready to play though and will play for a long time. I was wondering if eventually he will play hard when I am not there. He does the occassional nipping of the chains and some toys but it's pretty mellow. When I am there he goes all out and it looks like he is having so much fun now. Thanks for all the good advice. Here are a few pictures of him having some fun. Baxter_with_bell.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/08/24 23:24



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Here's another pic of him with the ball. He seems to like the simple things like chains and anything with a bell in it. I got him a new bell foot toy too and he loves to shake it vigourously and then send it flying across the room. Only when I am with him though. I guess I'm fun to play with. I know he sure is. Baxter_with_bell_ball.jpg


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Thanks Erika for sharing the pics with us, he is playing with his toys and my Josey likes those balls too, very good foot toys. Most of them do like any kind of bells and love to bang them around making all kinds of noise but ya gotta love them for it.B)

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Thanks everyone. I know it's probably the "norm" in most greys life to play with all their toys but it is such a great accomplishment for Baxter!:) This morning when I uncovered him he was on the cage bottom working on a small piece of leather strap. Then when I was taking his daily food bowl to his cage he was up on the perch with the big leather strap trying to undo the knots:ohmy: I guess little by little he is coming around and I just get all warm and fuzzy inside when I see him progress{Love-000200BF} Out of all the pets a person can have, I never would have believed a bird could make me this happy.

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