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Grey sound when scared...example


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Found this while youtube surfing.


It is a perfect example for new Grey owners to know when their Grey is definitely upset... :-)



NOTE: I do not subscribe to the thought of ever purposefully scaring your grey like this lady apparently did.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/24 16:39

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Oh man hubby turned the vaccum on for the first time around Roscoes cage and that is the sound he made and there was no way to calm him down we just had to wait it out until he was over his scared fit. I felt so bad for him getting that scared but hubby said we shouldn't try to change anything we do just not to scare Roscoe and I gotta agree he has to get use to our daily routine.

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Thanks for posting that. I have heard about the greys growling but didn't know what it sounded like. So far, I haven't heard it from Baxter. Sometimes when Baxter is covered up for the night and hears something, he makes a light sound like someone impersonating a ghost and goes Woooooo. Wooooo but it was nothing like the bird in the video. Thanks again for sharing.

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It's interesting to hear the first time some have experienced this loud Growl. To fully simulate it, turn your speakers up almost full blast and you'll appreciate the spine tingle it gives you. ;-)


Dayo has never Growled at the vacuum. I can only attribute this to having had experienced the vacuum from the time he was in the brooder form just a few weeks old at the breeders.


Thus, the advice we all hear to expose them to as much as possible when they are very young and building that neural network called their brain. :-)

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Uh, even with the speakers up danmcg, I doubt it matches his true volume, lol.

Glad to say Raz has NEVER made even close to that noise.

The only thing he does is yell 'No!' or give a little warning whistle. I hope he never gets that scared, and I sure as heck wouldn't do it on purpose, even if it was meant for education! Poor Einstein!

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Ponti used to do that whenever my dad went near her cage. After a few weeks, she stopped doing it when he came by her cage, but would growl at him when he reached inside her cage. After awhile she got used to that, and would actually step up on him. IT was funny too, because she'd step up on him, and then have a moment of realization that said, "hey, i'm on this guy I don't like" and THEN she'd start to growl again.


She's used to him now and steps up without a problem. Took a few months of working with her though before she wasn't scared of him.

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